Dashboard row rule rowmod?

Hello All,

Messing around with a dashboard and trying to add some row rules.

Thought it would be nice to show users fields that have been changed and not saved, kind of like the BAQ editor when you update a field but haven’t save it.

Anyway. The out of box rule wizard didn’t have anything with the rowmod, so I thought I would then create a customization on the dashboard. Created a row rule to look at rowmod. Well that is not working. The rowmod doesn’t seem to be changing.

Do these row rules need to be set up per column change?

Goal is to highlight the Update Summary grid when a user updates a field in the tracker view. That way users will not forget to save the data before leaving the screen.



If you made a calculated field of the updateable field then you could do a rule when the two of them are different. I did a test and you can reference a field in a rule even if it was hidden in the grid.

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