Hey all,
We ran with our go-live with E10 in January and quickly ran into some "assumption" problems.
Our products are mostly made to order, with spare parts manufacturing thrown in. A piece of "whole goods" ordered by a customer will consist of several major components, with layers of subassemblies thrown in.
We thought we wanted to transact quantities in MES at each operation, which corresponds to a building here. A whole good will usually hit up to five major operations a number of times. When we started operating for real we discovered a job would run in the hundreds of transactions, so we set all but the last operation in a subassembly to backflush and the last to quantity only. This will backflush the labor standards on the previous operations. Of course, many of our jobs will have 100 to 150 assemblies/operations. It's a lot of entry.
I have a query that will run through the JobOpr and JobAssembly tables and build a list to DMT into Job Labor Adjustments. It seems to work fine, but I have to run the query, copy to Excel, and then run the DMT. I'd like to create an updatable dashboard to let us enter a job number, get the filtered data and update. I'm supposing the DMT hits more than one file. I don't find a table that looks like the template from DMT.
My question is: has anyone done something like this, and do you have any tips?
Joe Trent