Date criteria not working in BAQ


I have added a criteria on a BAQ that looks at open PO’s due in the next 14 days. This is returing dates further than this horizon. I am using the following

this is on the dueDate on PORel

That looks like it should work. You’re gonna have to show a lot more info for us to help you figure out what’s wrong with your query.

The query is
[Vendor].[Name] as [Vendor_Name],
[POHeader].[PONum] as [POHeader_PONum],
[PODetail].[POLine] as [PODetail_POLine],
[PODetail].[PartNum] as [PODetail_PartNum],
[PODetail].[LineDesc] as [PODetail_LineDesc],
[PODetail].[OrderQty] as [PODetail_OrderQty],
[PODetail].[DueDate] as [PODetail_DueDate],
[PORel].[PromiseDt] as [PORel_PromiseDt],
[PODetail].[DocUnitCost] as [PODetail_DocUnitCost],
[PODetail].[DocExtCost] as [PODetail_DocExtCost],
[APInvDtl].[InvoiceNum] as [APInvDtl_InvoiceNum]

from Erp.POHeader as [POHeader]
inner join Erp.Vendor as [Vendor] on
POHeader.Company = Vendor.Company
and POHeader.VendorNum = Vendor.VendorNum
inner join Erp.PODetail as [PODetail] on
POHeader.Company = PODetail.Company
and POHeader.PONum = PODetail.PONUM

I don’t see a where clause in that query. Are you sure you added the filter?

edit: Or the table PORel…