DateTime.Now in Application Studio

Anyone know how to set a value or compare a value to a DateTime.Now in application studio?

I would like to set this variable to the DateTime.Now value, but off course this way it doesn’t work.
@hmwillett ? :slight_smile:

That expression field is JavaScript.
Try Date.Now() Scratch that.

Thanks for the quick reply. Tried that as well, but I get the following message:

Ah yeah, that definitely brings me closer. It now does something with a getTime :smiley:
Still one thing to fix

Instead of JS, set the value to this instead: “{Constant.Today}”


You’re right. That’s way more easy! Thanks alot!




I am comparing the ShipDate value with Constant.Today and expression is ‘%value%’ == ‘{Constant.Today}’. I have used this code in condition and getting below mentioned error

{expression: “‘%value%’ === ‘{Constant.Today}’”, onSuccess: Array(1)}
main.4ea282175936f70a9698.js:1 expression: ‘‘2022-10-14T00:00:00’ === ‘2022-10-14T00:00:00.000’’ evaluates to ‘false’

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Try removing the single quotes.

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@hmwillett , Getting same issue.

Ah, I just noticed that one has the milliseconds and the other doesn’t. Try this:

{Constant.Today}.getTime() === %value%.getTime() 

That will convert both dates into a numeric value to compare against.
If it doesn’t like those JS methods, wrap the whole thing in eval(<your expression here>)

Isn’t eval() a huge security risk?

Not completely. When Jose and I discovered it, we tried to do some injection to ourselves and there are certain keywords that don’t work (don’t remember which). Also, most environments are closed from the outside world anyways, soooo… :woman_shrugging:t2:

I think you can also do

#_{Constant.Today}.getTime() === %value%.getTime()_#

Instead of eval()

This should do it for you; put this in the expression field:

new Date('{OrderHed.RequestDate}').getTime() === new Date('{Constant.Today}').getTime()

Similar question here, can I set a default date in a data rule?

I would like to default to today, but also n another field today + 5 days. Possible? I can do it in a BPM but would rather it happened in the UI during an event

Not with a rule.
Use an event and use the row-update widget. You can do both things you were wanting with that.

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So you wouldn’t want the default date rule to fire when the REST call was made outside of the UI?