DB Purge and Summarize Process - E9.05.702

We are testing the DB Purge and Summarize process against our E9.05.702 64-bit Progress database. After meetings with our super-users, department heads and executive team, our company has decided to purge about 10 years of old records/transactions and to only keep the last 2-3 Fiscal Years of data in our LIVE database. (And considering we went through a time during those 10 years where our version of Vantage/Epicor started generating extra unneeded transactions in the background of some processes, clean-up of old transactions is much needed.)

We are running the purge for each available Option. I received and applied the fix for the PartTran purge which helped greatly and each of the other options I have thankfully been able to get to run to completion. (System Monitor indicates that the process is COMPLETE and has purged X amount of records and a search of any records older than the Purge Cut Off Date are missing from the database).

Before we actually do the Purge our plan is to make a backup copy of our entire database and bring it into a Test VM environment that we will keep running for a while in case our users need to access the historical or purged data.
[I was thinking of creating a log and asking users to complete an entry each time they access the database and what information they were looking at/for…not sure if there would be a better way to do this but I wanted to keep track of how often this historical data was accessed and what exactly was accessed in order to help decide how long to keep the database running and whether we might need to pull back in some historical data (possibly using the DMT?).]

Our current LIVE DB is about 75GB in size and after Purging 10 years of records/trans and performing a Dump and Load against the database, it decreases to 30GB in size. (I know everybody is different…) We are hoping that by doing this we will hopefully see some increase in speed and performance for some of our processes. (Note to Self: I should probably run through the Performance Tuning documentation again once this is complete.) And we are hoping that the migration to ERP10 will be a lot faster too. :+1:

We performed a test Purge on what we call a month-end COS/WIP captured database and we ran reports and queries and looked at transactions to make sure everything looked ok and all the numbers matched up with our LIVE database. And everything looks good and the Purge didn’t seem to affect anything or cause any problems that we can see.

My questions are:
Has anyone performed a DB Purge and Summarize against their database? What was your experience? Do you have any thoughts, suggestions, concerns, things you would have done differently, that you could please share? Is there anything that we need to watch out for or test for specifically?
Did you do anything like keep a copy of your database with the historical data running in a test environment so that users could access it if they need to or did you just purge the data and consider it gone? If you have one, what are your plans for this “historical database”?
Not sure that we would hold out for this but would you suggest migrating everything to ERP10 first and then performing the Purge in ERP10 versus E9.05? What would be more beneficial to doing that?

I’ve tested this Purge several times in TEST environments and I think we are ready to go through with it but I just wanted to reach out to the EUG community to see if there were any last-minute warnings or suggestions that you would make before “THE PURGE”! :scream: (That sounds so much scarier when it is said that way…) Before our DB Purge and Summarize process. :relieved:
Thank you so much for any help you can provide!

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When we went from 6 to 9.05.702 we deleted all the change logs.
Epicor did the db conversion for us and just zapped all the logs.
Kept version 6 running for a year but after a couple of months no one referenced it.

Patrick Winter

When I spoke with Epicor support they said the Purge & Summarize is just deleting the records. If you look at the code for E10 you can see it’s just deleting the records before the cut off date and logging it in the TaskLog.

My recommendation would be to keep all the data and selectively remove data you do not want from E10. You will also find that the E10 upgrade removes a lot of unused fields. We went from a 225 GB E9 DB to 125 in E10.

Thank you guys! I appreciate the feedback! Nice to hear your experiences, thoughts and recommendations. Thank you kindly!