Delete AR invoice records issue


Got question from colleagues, but I have no idea how to remove these records. Any advice?:

AR pressed action->get deposit payment during invoice entry and several accounts were created, which in reality are already closed (i.e. sales order closed, invoice issued, etc.). But when they were generated, they were also assigned legal invoice numbers, which is why they no longer allow the transmission of these records:

Posting is also not allowed, because it throws an error that sales orders are closed and there is nothing to post.
Now those records are left hanging in the AR invoice entry

How should i delete them?

Did you try voiding the legal numbers (Actions - Legal Num - Void Legal Number) ? Also, have a look in the Review Journal and see if you have something there related to your invoices.


Actions - Legal Num - Void Legal Number solved issue, now we are able to delete record.