Delete multiple lines from Quote/Order

Hi all!

I have a problem with the cancellation of multiple lines from an Order/Quote.
If I select 2+ lines and click on the delete (X) button it deletes only one line.

Is there a way to do this?

I saw this post (How to delete multiple rows from list view) in which the user created a custom field and a bpm to delete lines, do I have to rely on a similar thing?
Doesn’t Epicor have a something for this?


Hi Leonardo,

I do not know how to delete multiple lines at once in base structure of Epicor. However, I’d like to bring your attention to the DMT tool which can delete multiple lines at once. Do you have that?


Hi Nancy,
Yeah sure I have the DMT module, but I was thinking more in a Quote Entry/ Order Entry scenario.

Like if I inserted 10 rows and I need to delete 3 of those.

Did you ever get an answer? That is exactly what I came looking for today…

We wanted to do something similar on our quote bom and ended up needed to put in a customization on the form to get it done.

Hi! I ended up using a customization with a bpm to delete all the selected lines.
Customization gets all the selected lines. Bpm deletes all of those on the Db and do a refresh.

How exactly did you do the customization and BPM? I’d like to try to do this as well.