Deleting a site from a part master

I’m trying to remove a site from a part master but it won’t let me stating, “The shared warehouse definitions for this part must be deleted prior to deleting the local site part warehouse definition.” But when I try to delete the warehouse off the site on the part master, I get “Delete not allowed. Referenced by at least one Part Warehouse.”

This is because it has on hand quantity. By design, once you have transacted on the warehouse the system will prevent you from deleting it in order to protect the integrity of the activity and transactions that have occurred.

If you have not used that part in that warehouse and there are no inventory transactions for the part for that warehouse then you can delete that warehouse record for the part.

Hi Susan,
Thanks for the response. I’m trying to remove a warehouse from a site that doesn’t belong. Main Warehouse IR is linked to site Irvine and it’s also linked to site Fremont. I’m trying to remove it from site Fremont because the site was created accidently, and no material has been transacted in Main Warehouse FM.



If FM is the one you’re trying to delete, try unchecking the Primary Warehouse first…maybe the error message just doesn’t indicate it?

Thanks John but tried that.

So even with the primary unchecked, and no inventory transactions against it yet, could there be something else hitting it - demand, forecast, open PO…anything? I’m out of ideas.

EDIT: Check this thread - possibly set up as a shared warehouse?

And that actually goes for Part Transactions. Even ones that wouldn’t affect QOH. If someone entered a cost, or even did a QTY Adj of zero, that would creat a part transaction and you’d be for ever stuck with it.
The OP might want to change their mission from “Removing that Warehouse” to “Customizing the heck out Epicor, to hide that Warehouse from everyone”

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@ckrusen So if you even so much as do a standard cost roll the part/warehouse record is locked down? Can understand if there was a +/- wash on QtyAdj…then it’d have to stay. Egad.

@MarkIsola you might want to check PartTran for that part/warehouse combo for noninventory transactions…that might be your answer.

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@MarkIsola So you do utilize shared warehouses across sites (on purpose)?

Or is that part of the issue, that you think it’s a red herring?

We do not use shared warehouses. To me this sounds like a bad row in the PlantWhse table (not PartWhse).

For example, in my past:

  • Warehouse MFG exists in MfgSys site only
  • Warehouse PDC exists in PDC site only
  • Yet I had some PlantWhse records where the site was MfgSys and the warehouse was PDC (that’s impossible).

I think I requested a data fix from support to delete the bogus rows…

@JMPCONJ - can’t say for certain if any partran table entry for the part will cause problems in removing the warehouse from the part. I can te you that any part tran can serious lock you out of “deleting” or making certain changes.

We migrated to E10 from V8 and brought over parts that we hadn’t intended. Then we updated all the costs, then found we couldn’t delete the parts we didn’t intend to bring over.

And don’t get me started on trying to change UOMs…

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I feel your pain…we did a lot of scrubbing and Excel/DMT and manual work when we migrated from ASW/Iptor to prevent as best we could. Probably doesn’t matter what system you’re migrating to/from…there are bound to be gaps (stuff not ported over) or deadwood (stuff that was). Even if you can’t physically delete, a simple deactivation method would help. Keep the history intact but don’t allow anything new.

Allow ability to inactivate a site record from a part
Deactivate a site
Option to make warehouse inactive
Allow for a warehouse to be inactivated on a part record

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