Hello, We have recently upgraded from 10.2.4 to 10.2.7 and now we are having issues with the DMT. It’s making us do this amortization code now.
Is there a way I can just bypass this and proceed how we have been doing it this whole time?
Hello, We have recently upgraded from 10.2.4 to 10.2.7 and now we are having issues with the DMT. It’s making us do this amortization code now.
Is there a way I can just bypass this and proceed how we have been doing it this whole time?
Seems like it’s a bug with the DMT wanting the invdtlrasch to be required when it’s not suppose to be
I feel your pain.
I do have an “Idea” for this. ERP-I-496. It is set as “Future Consideration.” That doesn’t mean don’t vote!
I do not think I have seen that before. I thought optional fields stayed optional.
Sorry, I’ve never used DMT for AR.
Right, it works fine if you do it manually but using DMT throws this error.
I know. I hate it.
Just make sure it’s not a red herring. You know, on the off chance you have something that does, in fact, now automatically amortize.
Or, is the seq actually zero in Invoice Entry, or something like that?
The wackiest DMT I ever ran into was Schedule Job. If you (want to) allow scheduling in the past, you have to set this utterly obscure flag in the DMT that has no corresponding checkbox in the UI. OverRideHistDateSetting was the name of it. There was no need to do this in the UI - the system figured it all out by itself.