I appear to be having a performance issue with DMR Processing. I am pulling a group of DMRs (less than 20 and they are closed). When I go down the list at some point Epicor locks up and becomes unresponsive then shuts down.
I have found maybe 2 DMRs that are the culprit. When I opened just he one DMR which is closed and just expanded the tree view; never clicking on feilds. When I go to close the form it asks if I want to save changes. I didn’t make any changes the DMR is closed. Thoughts why I get this? I don’t get this on other Closed DMRs.
First, are there any customizations or BPMs involved? If so, can you disable them and see if you get the same results. After that, I would run a trace and see what PDT says.
I would do a trace and run one good DMR and one bad. Then check PDT. Look for differences in the amount of data in the DMR. Maybe one is pulling over a large amount of data while the other is not.
You also mentioned expanding a tree view. I once ran into an issue with ship-tos where the tree view would crash because we had so many ship-tos for the customer. There was a fix which involved going into the sysconfig and raising the number of records on the tree view. I can’t remember the exact setting.
Did you ever get your DMR issue resolved? We are running into an issues where all of the sudden the DMR process will take up to 2 minutes to just open. I have opened a support ticket with Epicor but am not getting any support on this issue.
Please disregard my last email. It would help if I logged in. Not enough coffee this morning. Thank you for sending this over. Stay safe during this crazy time.