DMT ECO Group records

I’m trying to load in updated PartOper (boo) records via DMT - I realize it uses the ECOOpr table to do this. I’ve created the ECO group in the application and using same as ECOGroupID in my upload file. However, I keep running into the following error. What am I missing?

## Method (CheckOut) Table ECOGroup record not available.

Does the ECO Group exist in Epicor? The Group needs to exist before DMT can use it.


Are you logging onto DMT with the same user name as the ECO group belongs


yes it does

I don’t think ECP groups belong to any particular user? But I did try logging in as user X and creating a new ECO Group and saving the group - then using that ECOGroup in the upload (EcoGroupID) and still received the error.

Are you sending company and plant? It is likely another field that is making the group not able to be found. Are all of the required fields in the file?

Greg makes a good point. Also, I’ve found sometimes the order of the columns matter as well. Stick with the order of columns as suggested in the created template from DMT.

Mark W.

Found if there are errors loading the BOO thru DMT - parts remain in the ECO Group - need to login to that ECO group and APPROVE AND CHECKIN all parts before you can reprocess the the DMT error reprocess file.

has anyone come up with more instances of this issue.
i seem to be having it as well - although after following all the recommendations I’m still stuck

From my notes, here is what I ran into:

  1. Login to Epicor and create a new ECO group in Engineering Workbench
  2. Open DMT and use the template in “Bill of Operations”
  3. Associate all the parts needing an update to the new group in the DMT spreadsheet
  4. Use the update action in DMT for the part revisions
  5. After the update has executed you should see all the parts under the “Revision” tab for the new ECO group you made.
  6. Then you need to open engineering workbench again and then select your group. Navigate to “Actions” at the top and select “Groups>>Approve and Check in All” and that should finalize everything.
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What specifically are you trying to do. We did our big cutover from Vantage and brought across thousands of boms but we also periodically have to go and get a really old BOM from Vantage. We can load a full bom (100’s parts, multi-levels) without it ever hitting the engineering workbench and reflects the status on Vantage - we use excel and dmt for this process

Our process is

  1. Create the part master record for both manufactured and purchased (if they don’t already exist)
  2. Create the partrevisions including the historic part revision info and approval status
  3. Load the boo referencing an ECO Group called “importer”
  4. Load the bom referencing an ECO Group called “importer”

Everything does through the eco tables but the only time something will appear in the workbench is if there is an error. If you are talking about a large bom this can be a pain as there may be hundreds of parts checked out and the simplest thing we have found is to rerun the dmt for step 4 but as a delete and then do the same for step 3 as a delete - this clears the eco tables and the engineering workbench and allows you to fix the data and retry.

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right - that is typically what I’ve done
but in this instance these errors appeared and made it difficult to complete
the workbench clearing/releasing etc … seemed to help

thanks for your input