DMT error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

Remember, we get the error when we entered a value that doesn’t exist in the associated master file, so in our case, it wasn’t missing information. Look at values you’ve supplied and make sure the associated master entries exist.

I tried running a Detail separate from a head. With PackLine =1 then I got Record Not FOund. If I do PackLine=0 then I get Obj Ref error. don’t know

@ckrusen we receive w/o a PO all the time. We have subcontract material operations that we receive Material to Job on all the time w/o a PO

Okay … I see a bunch of options on the Line -> Detail sheet (Receipt Type, Job/Asy/MtlSeq, etc…)

We only ever receive against a PO, and use mass receipts, so we hardly ever go to the Details sheet …

Maybe some of those fields need to be supplied, when doing a “Misc” Receipt (one without a PO specified). Do the receipt manually, with tracing enabled, with the minimal fields entered. Then look at the trace to see which fields are set.


You probably need to include the fields

RcvDtl#ReceivedTo, RcvDtl#JobNum, RcvDtl#AssemblySeq, RcvDtl#JobSeq, etc …

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Are you passing in VendNum? It must exist. Ponum? PoLine, PORelNum, WarehouseCode, BinNum, etc? They must exist.

in this case its not a job rcpt, just a misc non stock

Then probably still need to set RcvDtl#ReceivedTo = PUR-UKN

Real quick question … You have just one site right? If not, you’d need to specify plant too.

one site

I think I found the crucial part!!!

You must set
RcvDtl#ReceiptType = M
RcvDtl#ReceivedTo = PUR-UKN

Soooooooooooo close. Now I get invalid company error and I do use the correct company code and the receipt does get created in Epicor.

any other ideas?

Make a BAQ with the receipt head and detail, filtered to one receipt that you entered manually. Have it display all columns. Then tweak the output of that BAQ data to see if it can be used as an input for DMT.

Then start removing columns to see which it needs vs which it doesn’t.

Also make sure there are no trailing spaces (or other whitespaces) in the company field