DMT Help for Inventory QOH

I misread the original post. Yes, if you only want to load your on-hand balances, the Inventory/Adjustments/Quantity Adjustments is the DMT option you want.

If you want GL to post from this transaction you'll want a reason code set up for it.


Epicor Version 10.0.700.4

We are a new E10 install and we are wanting to DMT our Inventory for our parts, we have one company, one warehouse. Which DMT template is used to load our part Inventory QOH?


There is a series of DMTs you'll need to use. Are you creating BOMs/Methods of Manufacturing?

If you'll give me your email I'll send you some sample templates we use.

A big thing to remember is that order is important, both in the sequence you process the DMTs and the order your columns are in. 


Once you log into DMT, under the Part pull down, look for Quantity Adjustment.  Then from there you can create the template with the bottom right hand corner.  Select the fields you need.  Most mandatory fields will be checked for you already.  I think the ReasonCode might not be checked, but that is because there is a system setting that will require that or not.


From: []
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2015 6:05 AM
Subject: [Vantage] DMT Help for Inventory QOH



Epicor Version 10.0.700.4

We are a new E10 install and we are wanting to DMT our Inventory for our parts, we have one company, one warehouse. Which DMT template is used to load our part Inventory QOH?

