DMT- PO Detail Entry - Column name being changed

I have a user - just one user - who cannot successfully run a Purchase Detail Entry script.
The csv works for other users - but not her.
The error thrown is that the column ‘DocUnitCost’ is not found in the table - which is fair - it doesn’t exist.
But that column header is not in the csv file. The file validates OK when we Validate, it just errors every single line.
We do have DocScrUnitCost column which works successfully for everyone else.

Has anyone had a similar experience ? Did you find a solution? Because I’m adrift here.

Epicor 10.1.600.38, DMT The user in question is on Win 11, current version (no different to other users), but is using an HP where the rest of us are on Dell.

Are they running a script via command line, or using the GUI?

If it’s a script (PowerShell?) any chance that users computer (or security settings) are seeing the ‘Scr’ in the script and filtering it out as it thinks it is something malicious? The thinking is that ‘scr’ is the extension for some scripts.

As a test, try adding ‘Scr’ to another column and see if that column gets flagged - as it should.

I’ve been really loose with the word script here.
This is being done via the GUI, the csv file is generated from Excel with VBA.

The VBA part includes running a command line action - but the GUI is still shown.
The error occurs both when run by loading the GUI, picking the method and csv, AND when running from the VBA routine.

No powershell involved at the moment.

When the csv file is loaded in the GUI, and before it is processed, does the column show the correct name or the one missing the ‘Scr’ ?

And I’m assuming that you’ve looked at the CSV file that’s being generated. Just to make sure the issue for this user is actually with DMT, and not with the Excel VBA.

If it shows correctly in the GUI, turn tracing on, and look at the call being made.

The header is correct in the GUI.
The CSV is correct as well - it matches the GUI.

Running Tracing on my machine and the user in question throws up an interesting on.
The logs are the same until mine call the method


where as the other user calls


The DocUnit and DocScrUnit lines all match up to this point.

I think I’m going to raise a ticket with EpicCare support, there’s got to be a basic setup problem here.

I just did a little more digging, my problem user is on DMT
As opposed to my DMT

I’ll get back on Google and see how to work this.


Copy the DMT.Exe from your working machine or the server to the users machine. There was another DMT lib file back then that would also need to be replaced, but I don’t have it in my last E10 install.