DMT - quote detail how to get price?


I am trying to enter Quote Details with DMT. I was able to enter the Quote Headers succesfully but I am having trouble with the details. I can’t seem to get the price in there. There are what seems to be a bunch of price fields but none seem to work. Does anyone have any experience with DMT and Quote Details? Here is what I am using:


And here is what ends up in Epicor:

Nothing fancy here just a part (not in part master), a quantity, a price, description.

Any help would be appreciated!

Looks like I forgot the quantity in my example as I was trying to simplify the data but even when I had the quantity in there, the price would not load.

I had a similar issue with a BPM that creates quotes and ended up setting these fields if it helps: SellingExpectedQty, OrderQty, OverridePriceList to true, and DocDspExpUnitPrice.

Thanks but those didn’t work. I tried a couple others as well and no price shows up on the quote line. ugh!

Any other ideas?

If you know the line numbers, try putting the line into the spreadsheet twice, once to create the record and the second to update it?

No luck. It just seems like this shouldn’t be so difficult. I tried the QuoteQty# fields and all those do is add quantity break records. I can’t get the unit price to load.

OK figured it out. I’m not actually sure what I did but these are the fields I boiled it down to and it works now! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


OK well it turns out that that was not the solution. I thought it worked because I saw numbers on the quote but those numbers are not from the DMT import but the price from the Part master, which I don’t want.

So I am back to square one, with not being able to import quote details with prices.

Any other ideas? thanks

Hi Jim,

I’m about to do this myself - I think it might be the QuoteQty where the price needs to be.
I’ll update once I’ve had a go.



Confirming this it’s QuoteQty#WQUnitPrice that does this.




It was DocDspExpUnitPrice

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