DMT tool to change Operation Resource Group to Resource ID

Starting with Bill of Operations using these fields


Not the fields, the actual DMT menu you are opening before loading the excel info.

Yes I included that, Bill of Operations.

Got it, I will try to take a look today and see if it is something that can be done through DMT and what steps need to be followed, or if it is just not possible.

Hi Jonathan.

I;ve found with some DMTs that I’ve had more sucess if the field is listed twice e.g. OprSeq and ECOOpDtl#OprSeq you need to state both with the same value. Not saying its that’ll fix all but I have had issues with those field. We just went live and these were our column headers we used to load machines:

Company PartNum RevisionNum OprSeq OpCode LaborEntryMethod ProdStandard StdFormat AutoReceive FinalOpr Plant ECOGroupID ECOOpDtl#Company ECOOpDtl#GroupID ECOOpDtl#PartNum ECOOpDtl#RevisionNum ECOOpDtl#OpDtlSeq SchedRelation Machines

Everything else changes as expected with only one of the columns present… It’s the ResourceID I’m trying to get populated when currently the BOM has a ResourceGrpID populated… so I want to remove the group ID and put in a resource ID instead. When you manually do that change on a bom you need to clear out the group ID then you can pick a different resource ID.

ResourceID and ResourceGrpID only exist with the ECOOpDtl# prefix as well.

I guess I could try duplicating the other columns with that prefix like Company, PN, OprSeq and so on just before the ResourceID that I want to enter.

It’s only 37 parts so I already told them to just make the changes manually but I’m curious on how I can do this in the future.

Tested it with these column headers and it made no difference. Still wont change the ResourceGrpID to the ResourceID I have in the spreadsheet.


I feel like We discovered this issue when we were doing our Open Load in 2013 going to Epicor 9 from 6.1. I remember having issues with the wrong resource ID getting selected and we found out that we had to dissociate the OP from any material lines, remove the OP completely and then re-add them with the proper resource identified in that spreadsheet to get it to change them correctly.

Then it was thousands of BOM’s so it was worth the time to make the other spreadsheets to get the job done, where this is only 37 parts fighting me to the death.

Have you tried doing it with 2 templates?
I kind of remember having a similar issue where I had to process the OprSeq and OpCodes 1st, then a second pass for the OpDtls
(even though the documentation led me to believe I could do it in one template/pass )

I’m not sure how I can do it with 2 different templates… The main items I want to change is the OpCode, and ResourceID.

Both templates would look identical to get the same job done, unless I just remove the ResourceID from the first template, but the second one will have all of the same items as the first.

I’ve also run the template more than once to see if perhaps the OpCode had to be changed first and then it could change the ResourceID but the second pass changed nothing.

Yes that is what I was thinking

  • no ResourceGrp/Resource (OpDtls) in the 1st pass…
  • OpDtls only in a 2nd pass
    But… a long time ago, right now I can’t remember if that was jobs or the EWB.
    If I get a chance I will look thru my old templates let you know

I can’t have OpDtls only in the second pass, it will have to contain all of the first pass items as well since those are all required fields.

Here is what I did but… that was 2014 - E9

1st pass
Company ECOGroupID Plant PartNum RevisionNum OprSeq OpCode
----- which restulted in OpDtl defaults

2nd pass
Company ECOGroupID Plant PartNum RevisionNum OprSeq OpCode ECOOpDtl.OprSeq ECOOpDtl.OpDtlSeq ECOOpDtl.ResourceGrpID

  • where I was changing the resource groups but looks like I did not include the resource.

Note I also did subcontracts separately - I seem to remember them causing an issue if included in other passes.

And…now that I think about it, I was doing an initial load…
where it sounds like you are changing older/existing methods?
So it would not surprise me if you would need to find a way to “blank” out the old OpDtls first … wonder if you could change all the opcodes to some “dummy” and then change them back… if that might reset the OpDtls to defaults again so they could finally be moidifed?
in a test system…

Yeah this is an update on existing boms… I’m thinking that is the major part of the issue.

Pretty sure I did single file BOO updates with the following fields in this order.
ECOGroupID Company Plant PartNum Description RevisionNum OprSeq EstUnitCost OpCode OpDesc ProdStandard StdFormat StdBasis EstScrapType LaborEntryMethod AutoReceive FinalOpr QtyPer ECOOpDtl#OpDtlSeq ECOOpDtl#ResourceGrpID ECOOpDtl#ResourceID ECOOpDtl#OpDtlDesc

2nd single DMT file BoM Fields I used were:
ECOGroupID Company Plant PartNum RevisionNum MtlSeq MtlPartNum RelatedOperation FixedQty EstScrapType QtyPer UOMCode ViewAsAsm PlanAsAsm PullAsAsm

I think the biggest issue here is they want only a Resource to be selected on the operation. Currently a group is selected, and the resource they want is not part of that selected group.

Images to illustrate.
How it’s currently setup

How it needs to be

Notice that Machining is only available after I clear out the previously selected resource group.

Yes, you should be able to use the DMT tool to update this as you are wanting using the template fields I specified, but they really need to be in that order or it would glitch on me not positive why.

ECOGroupID Company Plant PartNum RevisionNum OprSeq EstUnitCost OpCode OpDesc ProdStandard StdFormat StdBasis EstScrapType LaborEntryMethod AutoReceive FinalOpr QtyPer ECOOpDtl#OpDtlSeq ECOOpDtl#ResourceGrpID ECOOpDtl#ResourceID ECOOpDtl#OpDtlDesc
ECO Company MfgSys 500-500008 - 20 0 WASHTRL Wash Trailer 3 MP E % Q FALSE TRUE 1 20 WASH01 Wash - Station 1

Like this?

Thank you, the only field I was missing was the Sequence of the Scheduled resource aka ECOOpDtl#OpDtlSeq

Once I added that in with 10 for all since that’s what they are, it would update them correctly. I wish there was an error stating I was lacking info for the field to update properly.

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Well, this was one of the more difficult ones to get templated correctly as I recall when we loaded all the MoMs in the Custom division.

Went from DOS based DB with mostly a flat bill to Epicor I created a few spreadsheet tools to enable easier creation of indented BoMs I would auto convert to flat DMT template that loaded straight into Epicor :slight_smile: