DMT Upload vs. Field Names

Hi All,
Just a question, how do you all manage your Data when it comes to DMT’s templates, and releases with new fields etc.

we are trying to cleanse data and assign data owners, and we are just thinking of the best way to get “all fields that are in DMTs” exported from epicor so we can compare side by side new, old and removed fields, and populate the data, assign owners etc. as it happens

would be interested to know from “data managers/Data officers” who use epicor and manage this information

thanks all

Honestly, I use DMT a fair amount and have found no easy way to get “all fields that are in DMTs” exported other than brute force. I basically find all the fields think I’ll need in the “Create Template” button in DMT, create the CSV, copy the csv columns into a SQL editor and go from there. More fields the better :wink: Once you write the SQL, you can use Excel’s Data tab to embed the SQL into the Workbook and edit data for import in there.

Just make sure the tab to be imported is the FIRST tab. My second tab is a workspace, and my third tab is my SQL export of the current data. Works pretty well.

Also, DMT fields are not always marked as required - the field’s necessity depends on the transaction in some cases. And you’ll need to keep up with the Schema changes in the Release notes to know if a field from one version still exists in the next version.

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I second @MikeGross’s post.

Some things to think about are UD tables and UD fields (they were probably created for a reason) and any additional functionality used (Scheduling or Projects or Fulfillment or Maintenance or things like that involve more tables and more fields within other tables).

And then the EXCITING part of the cleansing exercise is that SOMEBODY has to decide which of that mass of data is no longer required, is obsolete and needs updating, or is just wrong and needs correcting.

Have fun!

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Im hitting the obsticles that you guys ar too, nightmare…

however, and im being abit cheeky here… any copies of what CSVs in What order/playbook/playlist so we can ensure “important” ones are done based on sequence of upload…

any help would be mega appreciated in this area

If you follow the order set forth in the “Migration” folder, you’d be 99% good. Some spurious things like UD tables, BPMs, Configurators and things need to be worked in based on your needs/rules.

I don’t do playbooks/lists so I only have a bunch of XLSX for the things we do.


If you create the template in xlsx format you get the fuels descriptions as well.

As far as orders templates/playbook. You will find differences how people use them, so they may note be the same as your requirement.

In general, the migration data part of the DMT will give the precedence of data needed to get sales orders in (which is in Phase 5). So all the dependencies need to be in before you can do OrderHead, OrderDtl, and OrderRel. Sorry if I’m telling you how to suck eggs there.

In the past I have used this github repo to create a repeatable DMT process. Uses a powershell script based on the DMT powershell examples and a csv file that I can modify to call specfic tsql from views and stored procedures for more complicated situations where you need to do some cleansing. The example csv does not give you all the tables, but gives you an example. For the most part when it came for creating views. I would just use SSMS to to a generate a select statement, then modify it based on the DMT template (sometimes the filed names aren’t exact), Where it’s a multi table your mileage may vary like SOcombined you may think that doing it all in one hit is a great idea, but the performance is pretty bad. Luckily you can use DMT to split files and then run multiple instances of the DMT at the same time. Just make sure you check your error logs closely.

I have not tried using the Load Spreadsheet using ODBC option… :thinking:

DMT diff is pretty handy too if you are trying to maintain a your new system to remain in synch with your old system prior to going live. Just keep a good handle on all the imported files.

Here’s a minimum for sales order combined, caveate, I have not used this one for 5 years so it might need a tweek.
SalesOrderGenerator_DMT_SalesorderCombined.xlsx (544.4 KB)

I do have other stuff, just ask.