Docpath storage assistance

Hey guys,

There is a Docpath which stores the images of the files for docstar, is there a Maintenace plan to purges/delete the files after the doc is processed?? Currently its filling up our drive.

Is there a better way??

Thanks all

@dishant There is typically an AAAA0001 directory that is the root of ALL DocStar documents. It is not temporary it IS DocStar.

There is a Record categories setting that moves it to an archive.

I also have workflow sub folders that keep processed documents. Those can be dumped whenever you feel like it.

Thanks Greg, by any chance can you share the work flow, of its been sent to the sub folders??

To paraphrase a classic line from the movie Jaws, You’re gonna need a bigger drive!

While I’ll defer to the DocStar ECM experts in this forum, the whole purpose for a document mgmt. system, a.k.a. enterprise content mgmt. system, is to retain electronic copies of documents in a centralized place. The desired length of retention can vary based on the nature of the document type.

Perhaps your organization has a shorter window for desired retention in DocStar [Epicor ECM] than my organization. We’re more concerned with ensuring that documents do not get deleted or purged in DocStar.

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In the ECM Client Batch Import tab.


Thanks…this helps a lot!

@dishant, my apologies.

When I read your original post, I mistook “after the doc is processed” to mean: Once the ECM workflow completed for the doc. In other words, purging the doc from DocStar ECM itself soonafter the WF completed.

Now I realize you meant purging the “input” file, or source file for ECM Client batch import. Luckily, one of the forum experts understood your need & provided a solution.