DocStar ECM Advanced Payment Workflow

I’m sure there are a lot of companies out there that could benefit from something like this. I created a workflow that works for advanced payments on Purchase Orders.

I’ve implemented this for a few of my customers so far. It works great.

The biggest piece of the workflow is getting the PO Lines to populate. Here is the sql statement/datalink I used in my workflows:

[PODetail].[Company] as Company,
[PODetail].[PONUM] as LINE_PONum,
[PODetail].[POLine] as LINE_POLine,
[PODetail].[PartNum] as LINE_PartNum,
('Adv. Bill PO: ’ + cast([PODetail].[PONUM] as varchar) + ‘/’ + cast([PODetail].[POLine] as varchar)) as LINE_PartDescription,
[PODetail].[UnitCost] as LINE_UnitCost,
[PODetail].[VenPartNum] as LINE_VendPartNum,
[PODetail].[POLine] as LINE_InvoiceLine,
[PODetail].[Taxable] as LINE_TaxExempt,
[PODetail].[TaxCatID] as LINE_TaxCatID,
‘A’ as LINE_Type_c,
((case when PODetail.ExtCost > 0 then (PODetail.ExtCost / POHeader.DocTotalOrder) else 0 end)) as [Calculated_LINE_AllocationPercent]

from Erp.PODetail as PODetail
inner join Erp.POHeader as POHeader on
PODetail.Company = POHeader.Company
and PODetail.PONUM = POHeader.PONum
where POHeader.Company = @Company and PODetail.PONum = @PONum

Here is what the workflow looks like:

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