Docstar Integration to E10 Rest API's

Looking to do more integration with Docstar and Epicor, contacted Epicor to get instructions on how to setup/connect Docstar to Epicor Rest API’s and have been told this can only be done by Programming Services?

Anyone else asked this question and got this response?

What are you trying to accomplish?

The Data integration between Epicor and Docstar is a package deal and you can get any data from Epicor into Docstar and attach docs back to Epicor using the stuff they’ve already built…

I’m not 100% sure about is only being available to PS. I have the API docs for DocStar and we are a customer. DocStar has a full API that you can use. But a lot of what you will most likely be doing is built-in functionality. Maybe reach out to your CAM and see if they can help. It would be against the T&Cs if I published the API docs here per the disclosure that came with them.

When I embarked on DocStar for UK PS for 2018-19 first thing I did was ask about accessing other Epicor Services and there was a prototype REST dll available internally which you place DocStar side, with a json config file to determine the REST URIs and inputs/outputs. After much testing, and protyping, I was told this could be used on customer sites on proviso that at that time (and probably still) it wouldn’t be supported outside of Professional Services, i.e. an EpicCare ticket wouldn’t get you very far if using that dll! Also tested it successfully with SaaS deployments of ERP and DocStar.

It’s in at least 3 UK sites I know of!

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Nice to know @JWard, now we just have to find the person who can get the file if we want to try anything. I’m looking for an Epicor HCM to Docstar interface - wouldn’t happen to know anyone who’s done it or can do it? (If I could find the file I might be able to do it myself, but why reinvent the wheel!)

I don’t I’m afraid, I’d recommend checking in with your local DocStar consultant!
it’s been almost 12 months since I was implementing DocStar last :slight_smile:

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For anyone interested - I finally got some information and the extension from Epicor / Docstar.

They call it - Astria.ProSvc.WebDatalink datalink extension. It enables you via the Datalink Connection to call Epicor Rest API’s.

Video demonstration of its use:


Is this true? Where can I find more information?

Yes, we are using the API. Our CAM provided us the information on it. I’d start there or check with support.

Thanks for the quick response. Can this Docstar API be called by an external application like Salesforce? I need to move files from Salesforce to Docstar.

I’ve been told yes, but to access the docstar Api"s you will need to buy an additional license

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We are calling it from an external mobile app.

We didn’t have to buy a license to my knowledge. We are on-prem though so if you’re on cloud may be different.

To access the Epicor Api"s via the docstar web data link is free . But I’ve been told to access the docstar api’s you need to purchase a license.

Would be a good question for your CAM. I’m no Epicor licensing expert. I just know they have an API and it can be used :slightly_smiling_face:

Has anyone been able to Create a Connector to then create a Datalink into E10 API’s? My end goal is to be able to write back some dates to an Engineering Schedule we house in a UD table as Docstar goes through the Workflows we are going to create.

I watched the video mentioned in another post about Rest APIs and Docstar.
image image
This File name is not on our server Astria.ProSvc.WebDatalink.dll. All we have is this when I tried to create the connector while signed in as the Super Admin User:

Did you ever find that file? Astria.ProSvc.WebDatalink datalink extension

We were told we needed to purchase a different licensee go from DocStar to Epicor. Without that you couldn’t make the connection according to the TSG guys. I can’t remember the name of the add-on we needed… I’ll see if I can find it.

Is it this one?

Just to complete this topic, I was able to speak to some of the Docstar people as Insights, I’m now able to call Epicor API’s direct from Docstar using the Astria.ProSvc.WebDatalink datalink extension. No additional licence is required.

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