Document Manager Pro

Hi Steve,
We've DM for about 5 years. We have about 3000 to 5000 documents
linked. At the same time we brought in Vantage we started our quest for
QS9000 certification. I managed both projects. I set the file structure up
on our server in a mirror image of the QS elements. This helped define who'
s documents were who's. I duplicated that file structure and used one for
blank forms. (I had the only access for document control everyone else had
read only) We converted all of our forms to Excel or word format. (process
cards, instruction sheets, inspection sheets) Some documents had imbedded
prints and graphics. For prints we just scanned them in in .jpg format and
stored them in a directory called PRINTS and made sure that every one had a
viewer. The key to your control system though is going to be numbering and
assigning responsibility. For example, a FINISHING PROCESS CARD will always
have the part number followed by FIN. Each document type gets its own sub
directory. Our part number 00-03592-00 could have documents like, BOM03592,
03592STD, 03592INJ, 03592FIN ETC ETC. Each in a different directory.
Within individual cards hyperlinks are inserted to link to other cards. At
the end of a give job, these cards are thrown out. There is never a stash
of out of date cards or prints. Only the process engineer can make changes
to the cards. On the first go around of our certification audit our auditor
felt it was 100% incontrol.

Shirley H. Graver
(End User)
Systems Administrator
Rubber Associates Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Collings Russell [mailto:srussell@...]
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 11:58 AM
To: ''
Subject: [Vantage] Document Manager Pro

This is a question directed at people who use the Document Manager Pro

We have recently installed the program and are defining how we want to use

Any advice?

Once a document is felt to be of value to be linked through Document Manager
(DM), the document must be saved. Once this document is saved on the
network and linked through DM, the original file cannot be moved or deleted
or the link would be lost, as defined in DM.

How does your company save documents on the network? Specifically, what
file directory structure works best for you? You don't just through all
your various documents in one big directory, do you? Do you save them in
files named by part number, vendor, date, type of file, linking module name,
or combinations of the former?

I want to do this in the most logical fashion and am looking for some
experienced advice.

C <> &S Machine Products, Inc.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
This is a question directed at people who use the Document Manager Pro

We have recently installed the program and are defining how we want to use

Any advice?

Once a document is felt to be of value to be linked through Document Manager
(DM), the document must be saved. Once this document is saved on the
network and linked through DM, the original file cannot be moved or deleted
or the link would be lost, as defined in DM.

How does your company save documents on the network? Specifically, what
file directory structure works best for you? You don't just through all
your various documents in one big directory, do you? Do you save them in
files named by part number, vendor, date, type of file, linking module name,
or combinations of the former?

I want to do this in the most logical fashion and am looking for some
experienced advice.

C <> &S Machine Products, Inc.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]