Document Versioning?

@steveh That’s a creative workaround - and thanks for posting it. Clever use of the API.

While I was aware that the Epicor calls to ECM contained the ability to create versions, you’ve spelled out the calls in your text and given us all a shortcut.

I’m not an API programmer so I was going to try a very similar thing with the Automation Studio(Workato) piece when I got everything upgraded and installed. The newest ECM version contains a Task for initiating a studio workflow and I thought there might be something to it to get versioning done.

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Thanks @MikeGross I would be interested to see how you get on with your Automation Studio Journey, please report back.

Assuming Automation studio has full access to the ECM API (and why wouldn’t it) I would expect that versioning should be possible. But I would imagine you would initiate an Automation studio Recipe to go and check the version and create an attachment etc. and in theory I reckon you would be able to feed the version details back to the ECM workflow.

Let us know how it goes?

Meanwhile, using the ERP Business Objects does appear to be a good work around if you are OK with building functions. I find it faster to develop a solution like this in C# but generally unless you need your function to loop, you should be able to do most of this using widgets.