Does 10.2.100 support Visual Studio 2017 for debugging?

@danbedwards what version of VS are you running? I was told explicitly that it wasn’t supported in .100
All it is is that if you have VS 2017 as your only version installed the debug option is greyed out.
It was a little odd because VS2017 is referenced in the dll that Kaso mentions.

Here is VS 2017 working with 10.2.100 as I step through a debug. I wonder what “supported” means. Could be perhaps some feature is not working, etc. I have this installed in at least 3 VMs for debugging and have not ran into an issue yet.

Well damn.
I’m running VS 2017 professional. A couple releases behind yours, 15.6.4
We’re on though I expect that wouldn’t make a difference.

Is there any chance you could provide a list of installed features? Wondering if I missed a component on install.

edit: Pretty sure “supported” just means they have a document with that version listed. Nobody I talked to could give me much beyond “it’s not listed as supported in our KB”

Here you go

Visual F# Tools 10.1 for F# 4.1 00369-60000-00001-AA807
Microsoft Visual F# Tools 10.1 for F# 4.1
C# Tools 2.7.0-beta3-62715-05. Commit Hash: db02128e6e3c4bdfc93e6ec425ac9162b4d4fe80
Common Azure Tools 1.10
JavaScript Language Service 2.0
JavaScript Language Service
Microsoft JVM Debugger 1.0
Microsoft MI-Based Debugger 1.0
NuGet Package Manager 4.6.0
ProjectServicesPackage Extension 1.0
ProjectServicesPackage Visual Studio Extension Detailed Info
Visual Basic Tools 2.7.0-beta3-62715-05. Commit Hash: db02128e6e3c4bdfc93e6ec425ac9162b4d4fe80
Visual Studio Code Debug Adapter Host Package 1.0

Thanks Dan. I was hoping that we might be missing something but we have all the same products installed.

I’m at a loss at this point.

I have installed Visual Studio 2017 and our version of Epicor is 10.2.2, debuging BPM by attaching to the w3wp process is ok.

But the Customization debug still grey out. Search the Answerbook and nothing there.


I guess 2017 is not in the list inside the Customization User Guide.

After I installed Visual Studio 2015, the Debug in Visual Studio is now enable. Therefore, Version will allow debug in VS2015, not VS2017.

My coleague has a fresh install W10, installed VS2017 professionnal, and running Epicor 10.2.200 the debugger checkbox is greyed out.

On my machine, I have also installed VS2017 but have 2010 as well, and my checkbox was available… but it is debugging using 2010, not 2017… I fear that removing 2010 will make that debug checkbox greyed as well…

We proceeded with the install only the .Net desktop development c# (the top left selection) . Did not select any other option. I wander if we needed to ? like we are missing something…

We have a case opened with Epicor and all was provided is a KB article ( KB0036097) indicating VS 2017 Community was going to be valid with 10.2.200. So do we understand that only the community version will be valid?


We just updated to 10.2.300.6 and cannot debug customizations with VS 17 (checkbox is not grayed out). Get the below error, anyone know how to fix? I also have VS 15 installed, but Epicor insists on launching VS 17 which doesn’t work. :frowning:

Application Error

Error Detail

Message: Not implemented (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004001 (E_NOTIMPL))
Program: VisualStudioDebugHelper.dll
Method: Open

Client Stack Trace

at EnvDTE.ProjectItem.Open(String ViewKind)
at Ice.Lib.Customization.CustomizationDebugHelper.FilteredDebugInto(Int32 processId, String fileName, Int32 line, Int32 character)
at Ice.Lib.Customization.CustomizationDebugHelper.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.b__0()
at Ice.Lib.Customization.OleMessageFilter.DoInFilter[TResult](Func`1 action)
at Ice.Lib.Customization.CustomizationDebugHelper.DebugInto(Int32 processId, String fileName, Int32 line, Int32 character)
at Ice.Lib.Customization.CustomScriptManager.DebugIntoCustomCode(String fullSource, String sourceFileName)

So it searches for Visual Studio Installed in these Registry Keys in this order in the HKEY Local Machine
So if you were to re-name (temporarely) the key for VS 2017 it should fall back to the 2015 VS.

    new KeyValuePair<string, string>(@"Software\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\15.0\Core", "15.0"),
    new KeyValuePair<string, string>(@"Software\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\14.0\Community", "14.0"),
    new KeyValuePair<string, string>(@"Software\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\12.0\Professional", "12.0"),
    new KeyValuePair<string, string>(@"Software\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\11.0\Professional", "11.0"),
    new KeyValuePair<string, string>(@"Software\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\10.0\VSTSCore", "10.0"),
    new KeyValuePair<string, string>(@"Software\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\10.0\VSTDCore", "10.0"),
    new KeyValuePair<string, string>(@"Software\Microsoft\DevDiv\VS\Servicing\10.0\PROCore", "10.0")

I do not have a VS key underneath DevDiv @josecgomez

64 bit system, scroll further down (in Software folder) and find the WOW6432Node and follow from there.

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Ahh, thank you (as always) Jose! That got me debugging again!

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Great, the issue you are running into is not known (at least I"ve not run into it, may be your 2017 install is funky?) Maybe try re-installing 2017… or you know keep the “hack” LoL
That key shouldn’t hurt much just make sure you put it back if you plan on doing anything major with VS17

Epicor support thinks it may be because I’m using VS 17 Pro and not VS 17 Community Edition?

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That may very well be the case… odd!

Yes, very strange. I’ll use this workaround for now, unless support can get VS 17 Pro

We are not licensed to use community editions if we are passed some dollar value of sales…
Which I hope all Epicor user’s company do… :wink:

so strange it only alloes for that…


You just can’t put out software you write with it, but for debugging internal stuff its fine.

We just bought VS2016 pro recently …we do create apps but internal use (we do not sell it… ) I will need to read the fine prints again to see if ok to only use community edition for internal apps…:wink:

Otherwise, if we can have both versions installed (community and pro versions), and configure Epicor settings to use the community version that would be great!


What if we don’t have a VS key here? I’m trying to debug on 2019 and 2017 to no avail.