Domain name change


I've done it twice with no problems whatsoever. 1st time for a company
change, second time for split DNS change.

Like Charlie and Jim said, the only things that will trip you up are
misconfigured DNS and service & folder permissions.

have fun!

----- Original message -----
From: "Watkins, Norm" <norm.watkins@...>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 12:48:06 -0600
Subject: [Vantage] Domain name change

I need to join the Vantage server to a new domain. Epicor is telling me
that after doing that I have to uninstall and reinstall the Vantage

Is that true? That's a task I really don't want to do. Any easier
I know I can use the IP address of the server in my mfg files rather
the dns name of the server.

I sent this email for 1st time 3 hours ago, but it hasn't showed up in
inbox. has any body seen it?


Norm Watkins
Engineering Manager

I need to join the Vantage server to a new domain. Epicor is telling me
that after doing that I have to uninstall and reinstall the Vantage

Is that true? That's a task I really don't want to do. Any easier ways?
I know I can use the IP address of the server in my mfg files rather that
the dns name of the server.

I sent this email for 1st time 3 hours ago, but it hasn't showed up in my
inbox. has any body seen it?


Norm Watkins
Engineering Manager

740 Industrial Drive
Cary, IL 60013
Phone: 847.639.2307
Fax: 847.639.3830

For ITAR/EAR sensitive communications please e-mail me at:

This message contains confidential and privileged information and is
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in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from your
computer system(s). Thank you.
Other than their crazy folder permissions on that epicor share, I can't
think of a reason why you would have to do a reinstall so just make sure the
permissions are still correct. Everything is referenced by the server name
and so unless you are entering everything as domainname.servername I don't
see any issues. I've dropped servers off a domain changed their name and
then rejoined to the same domain. The only issue I had was getting the old
entry out of DNS.

Do you have a standalone test server that you could try it out on?



From: [] On Behalf Of
Watkins, Norm
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 1:48 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Domain name change

I need to join the Vantage server to a new domain. Epicor is telling me
that after doing that I have to uninstall and reinstall the Vantage

Is that true? That's a task I really don't want to do. Any easier ways?
I know I can use the IP address of the server in my mfg files rather that
the dns name of the server.

I sent this email for 1st time 3 hours ago, but it hasn't showed up in my
inbox. has any body seen it?


Norm Watkins
Engineering Manager

740 Industrial Drive
Cary, IL 60013
Phone: 847.639.2307
Fax: 847.639.3830

For ITAR/EAR sensitive communications please e-mail me at:
norm.watkins@ <>

This message contains confidential and privileged information and is
intended only for the individuals to whom it is addressed. It should not
be reviewed, retransmitted, disseminated or otherwise used by persons or
entities other than the intended recipient. If you received this message
in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from your
computer system(s). Thank you.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]