Dynamic attributes: planning set

Does anyonbe know how to create planning set for a part ? Is there a way to create planning set for a specific part ?

If your dynamic attribute class assigned to the part contains a theoretical planning type, you can add planning sets.

Hi john, thnaks for the relpy. could you be a little more specific plz. Also do you have any documentation to point me to where i could find thoses info. Can you explain what the type does and if it would have any influence on my design .
Thanks a lot. those modules dont have a lot info on…

here is my setup:
dynamic class
attribute type basic
4 combo box attributes
all attributes MRP planning
havent used type: theorical, actual, both
required: everywhere

the 4 attributes are standards linked to the part (ams,asme, astm,…)
each of thoses attributes have a drop down list of about 5-10. I want thoses attributes to be managed by mrp so i can have manufacturing and purchasing suggestions with a specific attributes combination. ideally i would be able to use a specific plannings sets per parts.

I would look in the Help for more information. But in order to be able to use the attribute as a Planning attribute, you need to select a Planning Type.

Let’s say you use a lot of pipe. If you have a method that requires 2 feet of pipe, you can set up a Planning Set that says you want to purchase 4 feet when there is demand. The Actual length is the 2 feet and the 4 feet is Theoretical and is what triggers a PO Suggestion.

My attributes are just flag that need to be linked to my part. For example:

i want to purchase a 6061 aluminium bar 1" diameter. this bar need to have atribute

OEM: boeing
AMS: ams5150
astm:no requirement
asme: no requirement

there is no length or calculation needed. I want to create attributes set specific on each part number that could share the same part class.

What you are talking about then is the Dynamic Attribute Set. You can pull up a Dynamic Attribute Class and add as many sets as you want in that screen.

The Planning Set is specific for MRP to define how po suggestions are determined. If you don’t care about length, you don’t need to use the Planning Set.

Hi john, would we be able to do a meeting plz. I have spent so much time trying to get this to work but i am unable to. So close but so far. Is there a private message area ?

If the mrp is unchecked, PO and manufacturing suggestions dont included the attribute set. The only way i have made it work it by creating planning sets. I might be in the wrong. Also seems like the only way to create planning set is by choosing demand in available and the checking the mrp checkbox. It then crates all the possible combination and all thoses planning sets are activated on all parts having that class.

Do you have Track Inventory Attributes checked off on the Attribute tab in Part Entry?


it is checked

You created a list of values for each combo box? Post a screenshot of one of them please.

You need to fill out those fields; Operator, Conversion Factor, and UOM. They don’t do anything in your instance, so I would just put the operator as *, conversion factor as 1, and UOM as EA.

They are greyed out. cannot change them .
here is the bottom portion of the part class attribute

here is my email. Havent found a way to private message you .
plz write me an email so we can get in contact.

That is correct. Once you use a Dynamic Attribute Class, you can’t change those fields, forgot about that. Create a brand new class and set those fields. It should work then.

Locked even in a new class. Sorry .

Let’s dial this back a little. Are you trying to determine which Suppliers you can use based on the Customer? If you are, there is out of the box functionality to do that.

I also just noticed that you did not select a Type for MRP. Select Actual and see what happens. Also, you should not need to mark it as MRP. Did you try creating an Attribute Set without checking that off?

I’m going to play around a little and see if I can replicate your issue.

I was not able to recreate it, but I was able to create one that allowed me to create sets in Dynamic Attribute Set screen.

When I first started playing around with AUOM, I had a LOT of trial and error. I recommend starting over from scratch. New Attribute Masters, Attribute Classes, and Parts.

Even if you are able to create set, this is not my problem. My question was specifically how to create planning sets.
The only way i am able to achieve planning sets is by:

1.when creating the class, i toogle demand on available on each combo box field

2.Check MRP

  1. All planning set combination are automatically created
    This is a problem cause now all parts sharing that attributes have all planning sets and the number of planning sets can be pretty high since you multiply each combo box possibillities (exponential)

  2. When adding a choice to my drop down, it doesnt create another planning set even when selecting demand
    This is a problem because i would have to have to create all the possible combo box possibbility but it something driven by the customer demands. This one seems like a bug to me. when selecting the availability of the new field, it should create planning sets…

  3. By working this way i am able to make everything works except i dont know how to create new planning sets

Creating dynamic attributes sets does not mean it is a planning set . Here is an example . in red is a plannings set automatically created, in blue the manualy created dynamic set. You can see no planning set number is related to the dynamic set .

the mrp does purchasing and manufacturing suggestions on the planning sets but dont do anything if i select the dyynamic set .

Planning type does nothing for me since the attributtes have nothing to do with the qty. I cannot use any of them. They dont work.
theorical = needs to be a qty and combo box
actual=integer or decimal , have to be use with theorical
both =needs to be a qty and combo box

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