I created a BAQ and Dashboard to see Total Hours and Overtime by for each employee by week for the last 8 weeks. Query and Dashboard work great. Problem is, the column headers on the dashboard. Is there a way on the Dashboard to have the headers be dynamic. Right now they are Wk1Total, Wk1OT,Wk2Total,Wk2Ot…Wk8Total, Wk8Ot.
Idealy, it would be 5/20/2018 Total, 5/20/2018 OT, 5/27/2018 Total, 5/27/2018 OT, etc. I have the equation DATEADD(wk,DATEDIFF(wk,56,GETDATE()),0)-1 that will produce the proper date. I just don’t know if it is possible to use this in the header.