Dynamic Part Attribute Values

Is anyone utilizing the Part Dynamic Attributes and if so have you used DMT to mass load the attribute values? I assumed I would use the Dynamic Attribute value template but I do not see how it is loading or connected to the part fields. This is image shows what we are doing but looking for the template that allows me to mass load the items in the Field Value

I thought this has to do with Configurator; other than that I haven’t dug in too deep. I think I had wanted it to be something different than what it is.

Dynamic Attributes are used for several different Epicor Modules including:

  • Configurator
  • Part Attributes
  • Dealer Management
  • Advanced UOM Management
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Nicholas - did you ever have any luck with this? I am researching this very thing. I found Dynamic Attribute Detail DMT and Dynamic Attribute Attributes DMT to load the DynAttrClass and DynAttrClassDtl tables respectively… However, none of the four total Dyn Attrs DMTs populate the DynAttrValue table, which is the table that holds the actual VALUES to go in each attribute for the specifc part - the table is a cross reference between the part and the Dynamic Attribute tables, so at this point, I don’t see how it can be done. Would love to hear if others have found a way to do this.

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I saw someone else have this problem over at the EUG. I tried to assist but never got confirmation whether the advice worked or not, perhaps it’ll be useful here. Here it is copied & pasted:

I’ll preface by saying this isn’t an area i’ve looked at before but it does make me curious.

Taking a quick look and yeah it would be a 2 upload process, first upload to create the Dynamic Attributes (although if i were personally doing it and the amount was less than 10 records then I would create manually within Epicor UI) and then a second upload to link the Part to the Dynamic Attribute. The second upload would be to the Part table by the looks of things, perhaps the AttrClassID, TrackInventoryAttributes and DefaultAttributeSetID are of interest to you?

Hope this helps,


Hi Joe,
Thanks for the response. This is for a data migration - so there are several thousand records we would like to be able to use these attributes. I have done some testing and can get everything to work EXCEPT finding a way to get the actual values we want to assign per part to the dynamic fields. I can get the attribute class created and assigned to the part, which then gives that part access to those fields, but from everything I’ve seen, read or done, I don’t think there’s a way to dmt those part-specific values into the dynamic fields.

I will add one thing to your note - the TrackInventoryAtributes allows the parts to be tracked in inventory by the values in the dynamic attributes - BUT it is only available with special UOM licensing - don’t remember exactly what it’s called right now.


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We looked into Dynamic Attributes about a year ago and the lack of ability to update VIA DMT was a hard stop at that time. I also recall being able to display them on a report/db with a BAQ was quite a bit of faff as well.

I did not have luck getting this work for the same reasons others have said on here. We have abandoned using it will be using some standard part fields to get the results we want.

Here is the Epicor Idea for including a DMT Load for Dynamic Attribute Values, which seems to be the missing piece. Please vote it up so we can hopefully get it ASAP. I have several clients holding back on this because of this missing piece.
DMT Template for Dynamic Attributes | Kinetic Ideas (aha.io)
(I tried hitting up support, but they wouldn’t answer if it’s even an option, just immediately pushed Professional Services. Now that’s not helpful, pushing Professional Services for something that doesn’t exist)
Working with DMT developers used to be so much easier and quicker, seems like it’s development cycle has been sucked into the bureaucratic development process.


Thanks for bringing this to my attention Rick, it’s got all 3 of my votes!

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I’m still a bit unclear on what dynamic attributes are supposed to be for. Are they an alternative to custom fields on the Part table, with values set per part? Or are they values that need to be set for each use of the part, like on the order line? At first I thought the former, but the Epicor videos are leading me to think the latter.

Either way, I upvoted the suggestion.

Edit: Application help says…

Dynamic Attribute Values Entry displays when you select the Attributes… button, for example, in Opportunity/Quote Entry, Sales Order Entry, Purchase Order Entry, Receipt Entry, or Container Receipt.

The Attributes button also exists in Part Maintenance, but opening it from there doesn’t seem to allow any input. Seems like these attributes are intended to be per use of a part, not per part.

Both, depends on what you need.

I see how to set values on parts. You have to click new row in Dynamic Attribute Values Entry. Field help suggests the values are stored in a table called InventoryDynAttrValues. That table doesn’t seem to be accessible via BAQs or the DbContext.

Is there a solution to this problem yet ?