E10-2_Create Invoice - ScrDocTaxAmt value always excludes the last line Item

In the E10-2_Create Invoice process,

Below Input and Output data are passed between this Datalink.

3 line items are passed to create the invoice.

When calculating the total tax (ScrDocTaxAmt) amount, this process always excludes the Last line item. In this case then Total tax should be (ScrDocTaxAmt ) 52.72, but it is calculated based on the first 2 line items, so this process returns Total tax as 34.54. So the variance [DocInvoiceVariance] comes (-18.18).

Can you please let me know how to resolve this issue?

Input Data

ScrDocInvoiceVendorAmt : 580
ScrDocTaxAmt : 52.72000
Line Items - 3
Line_DocScrUnitCost [“8.00000”,“100.00000”,“10.00000”]
Line_PartNum [“1139678”,“1003428”,“1003432”]
Line_ScrDocExtCost [“72.73000”,“272.73000”,“181.82000”]
Line_ScrVendorQty [“10.00000”,“3.00000”,“20.00000”]
Line_TaxCatID [“GST10%”,“GST10%”,“GST10%”]
LineTax_DocScrDedTaxAmt [“7.27000”,“27.27000”,“18.18000”]
LineTax_DocScrTaxableAmt [“72.73000”,“272.73000”,“181.82000”]
LineTax_DocScrTaxAmt [“7.27000”,“27.27000”,“18.18000”]

Output Data

ScrDocInvoiceVendorAmt : 580
ScrDocTaxAmt : 34.54
DocInvoiceVariance -18.18
Line Items - 3
Line_DocScrUnitCost [“8”,“100”,“10”]
Line_PartNum [“1139678”,“1003428”,“1003432”]
Line_ScrDocExtCost [“72.73”,“272.73”,“181.82”]
Line_ScrVendorQty [“10”,“3”,“20”]
Line_TaxCatID [“GST10%”,“GST10%”,“GST10%”]
LineTax_DocScrDedTaxAmt [“7.27”,“27.27”,“18.18”]
LineTax_DocScrTaxableAmt [“72.73”,“272.73”,“181.82”]
LineTax_DocScrTaxAmt [“7.27”,“27.27”,“18.18”]
Line_DocVariance [“0”,“0”,“0”]

@Chandrasekar - Everyone’s workflows will be different. I’m not sure if you mean the Step, Action, or Task, and this name doesn’t match my Datalinks either. However, I suspect you are talking about the datalink within the delivered Integration Epicor provided. These data links use the Kinetic API and are not viewable/editable, only test-able - so there is not much I can help with directly.

I would suggest that you go and try to test the datalink directly using the data you provided here, including the multi-value fields and see if you get a better error or understanding of the issue.

@Chandrasekar If your data from above is from a recording then that is the document that support needs along with the invoice to troubleshoot. If it is not from a recording then you need to make one or several to prove that it is always array length - 1.

I just did a recording and I don’t have those fields, but I have version 1 of AP automation and I am guessing the -2 means that is version 2.

@gpayne - yeah I figured he was V2, and am hoping he can clarify everything a bit more for us.