Has anyone gotten the Mobile CRM to display custom UD fields? We have E10 10.2.300.
The Mobile CRM user guide isn’t clear as to how a modified BAQ should look for when we have some custom UD fields to show. Regardles, they are not showing up when creating a “zCRM-QuoteDtl_custom.BAQ” as when following their procedure (copied the existing BAQ to the new name, edited this new one and added the custom fields and saved). The Mobile CRM app does show all the other data just fine. I logged out and back in to reset things.
@efalkowski- Even though it sounds/looks like you did all the right things, there is one thing that isn’t in the instructions - When you simply look at a record, the UD fields only show up when they have data in them. You need to edit the record to see the fields in order to put sata in them.
Thanks, I am aware of that issues and did pull up a specific record which has data in all the fields but nothing comes up at all
I would double check the new BAQ name. This happened to me and I got one letter wrong. As I understand from the Devs, the app only looks for the “_custom” appended to the original query name. Any deviation and it will not see the query.
Oh and the Query also has to be shared and global and multi-company - or at least shared/global - to work if I remember correctly.
I had already done all that you had mentioned as shown below. However, it is not a SYSTEM BAQ.
Is this an issue? It doesn’t let me set the checkbox for that.
Looks like everything you’ve done is correct, so I’m a bit stumped on why this isn’t working. I’ll see if I can check some things on my side when I get a few minutes.
The one thing we didn’t is reinitializing the data/BAQ’s from the client side. You’ll need to do that to.
I am not understanding what this means to re-initialize form the client side.
in the app, click the “hamburger” menu, then settings, then “initialize data”. I’ve attached a word doc I made back in 2017 for UD fields. The ‘names’ have changed slightly with the newer versions/menu items. And the published PDF doesn’t say anything about the SysRevID field, so I’m not sure if removing that is still necessary. (I haven’t gotten a few minutes to test my side yet.)
I did the Initialization like you suggested (Thanks), but still not seeing anything different.
Please attach the word do you suggested a bit ago, maybe that will shed light oon it.
MObile CRM UD Fields.docx (138.4 KB)
Something must have changed. Just did some testing on my end and the ‘view’ of a quote does NOT show the UD fields, but the ‘edit’ of that same quote does show the UD fields. I can’t believe no one has noticed this yet. I’ve got a person I’m going to email about this right now.
Here is an update… I edited the Custom BAQ: zCRM-QuoteDtl_custom and removed the line with the field: SysRevID and saved
Also, I went into the app and Initialized the Metadata in the Settings.
I tried bringing up records which I know have custom field data
None of the Custom fields appeared in View or Edit mode.
I checked the Application Log and see the following: “Query is not updatable and can’t be processed: zCRM-PerConActions”,
also “Query is not updatable and can’t be processed: zCRM-PerCustomerActions”
then: "There was an error initializing BAQ’s. Failed baqs. 1
Then: Unknown error in erpRESTService
Question: Do you think I need to create Cutom BAQ’s for these other BAQ’s?
Hmm, two things come to mind. From within the app, settings, Reset the Application. This may clear things up.
Or it sounds like you might need to reload the BAQ Solution again (the one that is on the downloads site and has about 70 baq’s in it for CRM). If it’s failing on multiple BAQ’s, then something else is wrong that this might fix… You will not have to make the _custom BAQs again, but you may want to to make sure they don’t have a problem either.
When you do the import - Make sure it’s for ‘all companies’ when you import them, and in the case of a second/subsequent import I check all three boxes for ‘overwrite’ in the solution import.
I have not heard back from my ‘source’ about this either.
Thanks for the advice, but after doing all that I still get the same errors.
These other BAQ’s are NOT updatable - so I will try making Updatable versions of them with the “_custom” suffix and see if that changes anything.
Epicor support said that the new Custom fields we add must have a “_UD” Suffix to them, but their documentation said this is only a requirement for Calculated fields. Do you know if you followed this method for your custom fields? we have no calculated fields - only regular UD fields named something like “nnnnn_c” .
News to me - our fields are all _c as well. I’ll try to test that if i can as well. I also have a direct line to development so I’ve reached out to them for an explanation and was told I’d have something back by week’s end. Will let you know.
Got to thinking about this and I disagree with them. If my “_c” fields show up for editing, why don’t they show up for display? negates the idea that they need to be “_UD” fields.
I’m still waiting on a response from DEV. Must be like doctors - immediate response if there is something simple, delayed response if I’ve caused them excessive work they didn’t plan on.
Thanks for your information. There is no way we can recode everything . The gal helping us was just a Help Desk person - not a developer and I asked her to get a developer on the line to speak to us. So we are on Hold with the project until they can clear things up. What I will test is if they have some weird requirement that ALL custom fields must have a value in them on NONE of them show up.
I went to try out my theory, but
Now we cannot even connect to the Mobile CRM App today.
error: connection to server unsuccessful. some sort of Android asset error…
We updated to version 10.2.300.8 recently and then we started having connection issues to the Mobile CRM app. We were getting this exact error: “The connection to the server was unsuccessful (file:///android_asset/www.index.html)”.
A temporary solution is to disable the Google Chrome app on the device. This clears up the connection problem. It seems the fix only lasts for a few days and then we have to enable Chrome followed by an immediate disable of Chrome again. Not a perfect solution but at least it will allow us to access the app while development works on a permanent solution. I thought it might be worth a try for your problem as well.
Hello Lisa,
(Ed’s my boss) This makes sense. We had not updated the software in anyway, neither ERP 10 nor the app. But there certainly could have been a change in Chrome on the Android devices. No issue with iOS either. Looks like we got bit by some dependency bug.
Mark W.