E10 SSRS reports import not working

I am struggling to get the canned E10 SSRS reports to load into the SSRS website.  The Report database is created, the report server is on a different machine so I added the suggested domain\ERP10$ to both the site and the Reports folder.  I have the Import Reports checked and the SSRS Report Server Location is \\<machine>\c$\Program Files... as described in the installation guide.  When I click Deploy, The dialog waits on Stopping Application Pool for a bit, then pretty quickly returns with Starting Epicor Services and Application Server Setup Complete.  Checking the ReportServer, I do not see any reports in the Reports folder.  I have also queried the ReportServer database directly to make sure the reports didn't get loaded to some other location and nothing new shows up.  I have checked both the E10 and SSRS server's event logs and found no errors.  Any ideas?

