E10 to ECM document ID cross-reference

We use a watched folder to load documents into ECM, which are then attached to the appropriate E10 record using a workflow.

There have been a few issues with the workflow, so I am trying to find where we may have a document in DocStar but the attachment link in E10 is for a previously deleted version of the file (resulting in Document Not Found error in E10, even though a newer document attached to the same E10 record is in ECM).

I would really like to do a lookup against the XFileAttach and/or XFileRef tables in E10 using a list of documents in ECM, so I can see where an E10 attachment may be missing.

So far I have not been able to find a document-unique reference field between E10 and ECM.

This should be everything you need and more. I’ve got a few more scripts in my toolbox if there is something these don’t cover.

--this grabs a document out of Epicor
select *
from ice.XFileAttch fa join ice.XFileRef fr on fa.XFileRefNum=fr.XFileRefNum and fa.Company=fr.Company
where RelatedToFile='jobhead' and fa.company=200 and fa.XFileRefNum=253822
order by fa.XFileRefNum desc

-- this is the same document in ECM
from AAAA0001.dbo.Document where id='092c7202-f2e6-ee11-8106-005056a198f3'

-- this grabs details from Epicor related trans tables (Jobs in this case but will need to be modified for other trans)
select fa.RelatedToFile
	, trannum = fa.key1
	, Partnum = jh.partnum	
	, [_TableSysRowID] = jh.SysRowID
	, Company = fa.company
	-- These are my functions to manipulate these fields into useable data
        , Title = case when left(xfilename,4)='http' then dbo.ashgetfilenamefromurl(xfilename) else  dbo.ashgetfilenamefrompath(xfilename) end
	, [FileName] = dbo.AshConvertAttachmentPath_SP(xfilename)
	, XFileName
	, [ReplacedXfileRefNum] = fa.XFileRefNum
	, fr.DocTypeID
	, xfilename
	, xfiledesc
	, fr.DocTypeID
	, dt.Description
	, dt.StorageType
from ice.XFileAttch fa join ice.XFileRef fr on fa.XFileRefNum=fr.XFileRefNum and fa.Company=fr.Company
	left join erp.JobHead jh on fa.ForeignSysRowID=jh.SysRowID and jh.company=fa.Company
	left join ice.DocType dt on fr.DocTypeID=dt.DocTypeID and fr.Company=dt.Company
where RelatedToFile='jobhead' and fa.company=200 and fa.XFileRefNum=253822
order by fr.XFileName

-- this grabs the metadata fields from ECM for the document
SELECT ContentType.Name
	, CustomFieldMeta.Name AS Property
	, CustomFieldValue.StringValue
	--, dbo.CustomFieldValue.BoolValue
	--, dbo.CustomFieldValue.IntValue
	, [Document].Id
	, DocumentVersion.Title
FROM AAAA0001.dbo.ContentType 
		INNER JOIN AAAA0001.dbo.[ContentTypeCustomFields] ON ContentType.Id = [ContentTypeCustomFields].ContentTypeID 
		INNER JOIN AAAA0001.dbo.CustomFieldMeta ON [ContentTypeCustomFields].CustomFieldMetaID = CustomFieldMeta.Id 
		INNER JOIN AAAA0001.dbo.CustomFieldValue ON CustomFieldMeta.Id = CustomFieldValue.CustomFieldMetaId 
		INNER JOIN AAAA0001.dbo.[Document] ON ContentType.Id = [Document].ContentTypeId 
		INNER JOIN AAAA0001.dbo.DocumentVersion ON [Document].Id = DocumentVersion.DocumentId AND CustomFieldValue.DocumentVersionId = DocumentVersion.Id
--WHERE        (dbo.CustomFieldMeta.Name IN (N'ACP', N'PDR:', N'ACP Number', N'PDR Number',N'InvoiceNum',N'zAltecDocId'))
-- WHERE (dbo.CustomFieldValue.StringValue IS NOT NULL)
WHERE [Document].Id='092c7202-f2e6-ee11-8106-005056a198f3'
Order by [Document].Id,CustomFieldMeta.Name

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Is dbo.Document only accessible via SQL Server Studio, or is it in the ECM DB?

There are three ECM related databases:

  • AAAA0001
  • AstriaHost
  • SignalRBackplane

The “Document” table that @MikeGross is referring to is found in the AAAA0001 database. Whether you access it through SSMS or another method, it is found in the same location.