From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2015 2:06 PM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E10: Where are configurator values stored?
I use the values from one session to another. If you are just looking to see the values, the easiest way is probably via sql. See if this helps:
,'' as InputName
,(SELECT SUBSTRING((SELECT LEFT((select cast((SELECT FieldValues.query('__QuoteBoxPage1Table/__QuoteBoxPage1Row/HPartDesc')
FROM Epicor10.Erp.PcValueSet where GroupSeq = (select distinct GroupSeq from Epicor10.Erp.QuoteDtl where QuoteNum = QD.QuoteNum and QuoteLine = QD.QuoteLine) and PageSeq = 1)as varchar(100))),CHARINDEX('</',(select cast((SELECT FieldValues.query('__QuoteBoxPage1Table/__QuoteBoxPage1Row/HPartDesc')
FROM Epicor10.Erp.PcValueSet where GroupSeq = (select distinct GroupSeq from Epicor10.Erp.QuoteDtl where QuoteNum = QD.QuoteNum and QuoteLine = QD.QuoteLine) and PageSeq = 1)as varchar(100))))-1)),(SELECT CHARINDEX('>',(SELECT LEFT((select cast((SELECT FieldValues.query('__QuoteBoxPage1Table/__QuoteBoxPage1Row/HPartDesc')
FROM Epicor10.Erp.PcValueSet where GroupSeq = (select distinct GroupSeq from Epicor10.Erp.QuoteDtl where QuoteNum = QD.QuoteNum and QuoteLine = QD.QuoteLine) and PageSeq = 1)as varchar(100))),CHARINDEX('</',(select cast((SELECT FieldValues.query('__QuoteBoxPage1Table/__QuoteBoxPage1Row/HPartDesc')
FROM Epicor10.Erp.PcValueSet where GroupSeq = (select distinct GroupSeq from Epicor10.Erp.QuoteDtl where QuoteNum = QD.QuoteNum and QuoteLine = QD.QuoteLine) and PageSeq = 1)as varchar(100))))-1))))+1,100)
)as NewPartDesc
from QuoteDtl QD with (NOLOCK)
JOIN QuoteHed QH with (NOLOCK) ON QH.Company = QD.Company and QH.QuoteNum = QD.QuoteNum
JOIN Customer C with (NOLOCK) ON C.Company = QH.Company and C.CustNum = QH.CustNum
where QD.QuoteNum = YourQuoteNumHere and QD.QuoteLine = YourQuoteLineHere
From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2015 1:57 PM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E10: Where are configurator values stored?
Thanks Brenda.
Can you elaborate a bit on what you mean by “We get to them via a sql query inside the configurator.�
I’m trying to confirm the values that are stored in the database without having to go into the configurator
From:<> []
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2015 1:51 PM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: E10: Where are configurator values stored?
The new values are stored in an XML format in the PcValueSet table. We get to them via a sql query inside the configurator.
From:<> []
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2015 1:47 PM
Subject: [Vantage] E10: Where are configurator values stored?
Hi All,
In E9, values entered during a configurator session were stored in PcInValue.
It seems like in E10, they are stored in another table, but I can’t see to find it.
Anyone know what table these values are stored?
Joe Rojas
Director of Information Technology
(781) 408-9278 Mobile
(781) 573-0291 Local
(781) 232-5191 Fax
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