E11 Kinetic Version Number

Hi Guys… In E11 Kinetic, we can able to find the version number under Help → About Kinetic… Let me know in which table this version number is getting saved.

As far as I can tell it’s stored in the SystemVersion field stored in Ice.ProductVersion

Hi Matt… I tried in that table, but there is no data… In E9, this version number is available in “VntgPatchLevel”… I tried in this table too, but there also no data…

Hi Surendrapal

I need to know the table name because I need to take this version number in BAQ…

I don’t think it is stored in a table. Since you mentioned this is for a BAQ, the Version String is available in the BAQ Constants.

I notice that it does not include the patch level, at least in our version. 2021.2


Dear Mark

I tried that and it displays “4.2.300.0”… Instead I am looking for the below number mentioned in the image.


Welcome to the Jungle my friend.

first time GIF

Curious why this info is needed in a BAQ?

It’s in IceVer table. Includes the Patch Level. Nothing that I can think of in the backend though that has the 202X.X.X version stored.

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The only hack I can think of is if one of the coders here are able to call the method in SystemInfo that returns the marketing version string and then writes it to UserCode or other UD Table where you could then grab it. Put this code in the StartUp schedule. That, or create your own table that maps the development versions to the marketing string as your own cross reference. :person_shrugging:

It’s stored in the Epicor.Ice.Version.dll that is where they pull it from. If you want it in your BAQ you could make it updatable and pull that value into an empty Calculated_VersionRelease column. That file is client side though, don’t know if it’s on the server, so you would maybe have to put it in the Externals or your CustomAssemblies folder. Appears to be all public so no reflection needed.




Going back to the root here big looming question

WHY? What are you trying to achive

Curently migrating one of our BAQ from older version to E11 kinetic version… in older version, version number is available in particular table but the same is not in E11… Since its available in older version, pretty sure that we can get in E11 too… trying the same with our forum help…

Josh is right, it is in the dll for the client side, however other locations for Ice versions is in SELECT * FROM Ice.IceVer;

The BAQ Constant you are using is simply this this.Session.VersionString which is set by reading the Versioning dll on the server.

You can also use Rest Endpoint

{  "returnObj":    {    "_Major": 10,    "_Minor": 2,   "_Build": 200,   "_Revision": 17  }}
Use the http verb PATCH and not GET.
SELECT * FROM Ice.ProductVersion; -- Perhaps staging for future release? Its Empty for now.
SELECT * FROM Erp.VntgPatchLevel;

I think Jose is not asking what you are trying to do but why. What business problem does having the version in a BAQ solve? Are people actually using it? Are we working on something that nobody used in a previous release so now they won’t use it in the current release? Don’t get me wrong. We all love a technical challenge here in this forum but if there’s a business case, others may benefit from it as well.

Way more challenging than I would have though going into it. We did a full DB search it’s not there lol

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Even with REST…