E9 - connecting to an auxilliary SQLServer ODBC - specifying def

I don't mean to be rude but this seems a bit complicated, since you are
using SQL I'd suggest doing a screen customization or a .NET BPM which will
get teh data from Epicor and put it into your sorter.

Just a thought. I've never attempted putting another 4gl db on the same PF,
but it seems overly complex.

Just my 2 cents.

*Jose C Gomez*
*Software Engineer*
*checkout my new blog <http://www.usdoingstuff.com> *
*T: 904.469.1524 mobile
E: jose@...
<http://www.linkedin.com/in/josecgomez> <http://www.facebook.com/josegomez>
<http://www.google.com/profiles/jose.gomez> <http://www.twitter.com/joc85>

*Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?*

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 6:03 PM, reptcon <cheins@...> wrote:

> **
> Thanks Ned and Jose.
> The connection is from 4gl running on an appserver. For now I am simply
> connecting, scanning three SQL tables, and returning a record count,
> last WaveNo and last Scan DateTime so that I can verify I am on the
> correct database. The PNYTEST data is a few weeks old. The PNYLIVE is
> updated to the minute with scans from the Sorter as cartons move through
> the conveyors.
> Ultimately I need to upload pallet and pack information
> (shiphead/shipdtl) to this DB so that the sorter knows which lane to
> build the pallet on. I read tables in it to determine when a pallet has
> been completed (I then print a pallet header via Bartender), and when a
> wave has completed so that I can release the next wave. Much of this
> data is in e9 table UD02 which serves as my work area for shipping
> details (SSCC "ASN" codes, pallet # of #, carton # of #, etc.)
> So at some point the application will be simultanteously connected on
> the appserver to mfgsys and SorterLive (SorterTest for now). My problem
> is that I cannot force it to connect to SorterTest (which is DB PNYTEST
> inside the same SQLServer instance).
> I have built the schema holder, e:\epicor905\db\sorter\sortersh.db, it
> is served and it connects without an issue. It has two internal
> schemas, one for ACCUSORT pointing to SORTERLIVE DSN and one for
> SORTERTEST pointing to SORTERTEST DSN. Ideally there would be only one
> schema in the schemaholder but I'm trying various things as a
> workaround. I guess I could create two schema holders but I really
> don't thing the problem is there. The problem is that between the
> SchemaHolder and the MSSQL it is not selecting the desired user DB (as
> specified in the Driver) on a multiple DB SQLServer.
> In the .pf's there are two -db entries - the first is for the
> schemaholder (same for both live and test) and the second is for the
> MSSQL database. The DSN is in the schemaholder connect info (it is a
> required field) but it is also in the -Dsrv entry in the .pf . Which
> one takes precedence I cannot say for sure. If you were to examine a
> mfgsys.pf for e9 with MSSQL datbase carefully you will see that it is
> very similar in structure (but with a lot of additional options).
> I know -- it is very complicated. That's why I'm going to the experts!
> TIA,
> Chris
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Ned" <TechnoBabbly@...> wrote:
> >
> > What exactly is connecting to the database?
> >
> > I am not sure how this relates to vantage or is this just a general
> Progress
> > OpenEdge question?
> >
> > I assume you have some sort of schema holder in progress that you want
> to
> > connect through to the MS SQL Database?
> >
> > I would try to connect directly to that schema holder instead of using
> > network connections with the -H -S -N switches in there, run them in
> > read-only if you can. I would also doublecheck the physical paths to
> each of
> > the schema holders, and part of the problem could potentially have
> something
> > to do with calling multiple -db in the same .pf file.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On
> Behalf Of
> > reptcon
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 4:53 PM
> > To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [Vantage] e9 - connecting to an auxilliary SQLServer ODBC -
> > specifying default database
> >
> >
> > We have a sortation system which uses a SQLServer (Express) database.
> >
> > The production database is PNY100 and we copied it within SQLServer to
> a
> > test database PNYTEST.
> >
> > Both of these databases are contained in one instance of SQLServer,
> which is
> > server Sorter2 on a machine of the same name.
> >
> > I have set up ODBC DSN to each of the two, SorterLive and SorterTest.
> > They point to the correct database instance within Sorter2.
> >
> > No matter what I do, it always seems to connect to the first instance,
> > PNY100.
> >
> > Even if I set both ODBC DSN's to point to PNYTEST, it is always the
> live
> > which is connected.
> >
> > Is there a way to select a database other than the first one in a
> SQLServer
> > instance?
> >
> > (I hope I am using the correct terminology, my background is Progress
> and
> > not MSS)
> >
> > Here is a sample of the .pf file ... I have two of them, sorterlive.pf
> and
> > sortertest.pf. the Schema Holder db is sorter.db LDBname of sortersh
> and I
> > haven't had any problems conencting to it. It is "served".
> >
> > I tried adding a Database=PNYTEST in the -DSrv stirng but it fails
> with an
> > error. also DB=PNYTEST it didn't like that either.
> >
> > #-------------
> > -db sorter -ld sortersh
> > #-1
> > -S 9495 -N tcp -H erp-app1
> > -db SorterTest -dt MSS -ld Accusort
> > -U sa2 -P xxxxxx
> > -Dsrv
> >
> \
> > # Outtakes: UIDDBMS=sa2,PWDDBMS=pny123,
> > #----------------
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Chris
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
> have
> > already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
> > (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> and
> > Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vantage/files/.
> > (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vantage/messages
> > (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vantage/linksYahoo! Groups Links
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We have a sortation system which uses a SQLServer (Express) database.

The production database is PNY100 and we copied it within SQLServer to a
test database PNYTEST.

Both of these databases are contained in one instance of SQLServer,
which is server Sorter2 on a machine of the same name.

I have set up ODBC DSN to each of the two, SorterLive and SorterTest.
They point to the correct database instance within Sorter2.

No matter what I do, it always seems to connect to the first instance,

Even if I set both ODBC DSN's to point to PNYTEST, it is always the live
which is connected.

Is there a way to select a database other than the first one in a
SQLServer instance?

(I hope I am using the correct terminology, my background is Progress
and not MSS)

Here is a sample of the .pf file ... I have two of them, sorterlive.pf
and sortertest.pf. the Schema Holder db is sorter.db LDBname of
sortersh and I haven't had any problems conencting to it. It is

I tried adding a Database=PNYTEST in the -DSrv stirng but it fails with
an error. also DB=PNYTEST it didn't like that either.

-db sorter -ld sortersh
-S 9495 -N tcp -H erp-app1
-db SorterTest -dt MSS -ld Accusort
-U sa2 -P xxxxxx
# Outtakes: UIDDBMS=sa2,PWDDBMS=pny123,

Where in E9 are you trying to connect to this database?

*Jose C Gomez*
*Software Engineer*
*checkout my new blog <http://www.usdoingstuff.com> *
*T: 904.469.1524 mobile
E: jose@...
<http://www.linkedin.com/in/josecgomez> <http://www.facebook.com/josegomez>
<http://www.google.com/profiles/jose.gomez> <http://www.twitter.com/joc85>

*Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?*

On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 4:52 PM, reptcon <cheins@...> wrote:

> **
> We have a sortation system which uses a SQLServer (Express) database.
> The production database is PNY100 and we copied it within SQLServer to a
> test database PNYTEST.
> Both of these databases are contained in one instance of SQLServer,
> which is server Sorter2 on a machine of the same name.
> I have set up ODBC DSN to each of the two, SorterLive and SorterTest.
> They point to the correct database instance within Sorter2.
> No matter what I do, it always seems to connect to the first instance,
> PNY100.
> Even if I set both ODBC DSN's to point to PNYTEST, it is always the live
> which is connected.
> Is there a way to select a database other than the first one in a
> SQLServer instance?
> (I hope I am using the correct terminology, my background is Progress
> and not MSS)
> Here is a sample of the .pf file ... I have two of them, sorterlive.pf
> and sortertest.pf. the Schema Holder db is sorter.db LDBname of
> sortersh and I haven't had any problems conencting to it. It is
> "served".
> I tried adding a Database=PNYTEST in the -DSrv stirng but it fails with
> an error. also DB=PNYTEST it didn't like that either.
> #-------------
> -db sorter -ld sortersh
> #-1
> -S 9495 -N tcp -H erp-app1
> -db SorterTest -dt MSS -ld Accusort
> -U sa2 -P xxxxxx
> -Dsrv
> # Outtakes: UIDDBMS=sa2,PWDDBMS=pny123,
> #----------------
> Thanks!
> Chris

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
What exactly is connecting to the database?

I am not sure how this relates to vantage or is this just a general Progress
OpenEdge question?

I assume you have some sort of schema holder in progress that you want to
connect through to the MS SQL Database?

I would try to connect directly to that schema holder instead of using
network connections with the -H -S -N switches in there, run them in
read-only if you can. I would also doublecheck the physical paths to each of
the schema holders, and part of the problem could potentially have something
to do with calling multiple -db in the same .pf file.

-----Original Message-----
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 4:53 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] e9 - connecting to an auxilliary SQLServer ODBC -
specifying default database

We have a sortation system which uses a SQLServer (Express) database.

The production database is PNY100 and we copied it within SQLServer to a
test database PNYTEST.

Both of these databases are contained in one instance of SQLServer, which is
server Sorter2 on a machine of the same name.

I have set up ODBC DSN to each of the two, SorterLive and SorterTest.
They point to the correct database instance within Sorter2.

No matter what I do, it always seems to connect to the first instance,

Even if I set both ODBC DSN's to point to PNYTEST, it is always the live
which is connected.

Is there a way to select a database other than the first one in a SQLServer

(I hope I am using the correct terminology, my background is Progress and
not MSS)

Here is a sample of the .pf file ... I have two of them, sorterlive.pf and
sortertest.pf. the Schema Holder db is sorter.db LDBname of sortersh and I
haven't had any problems conencting to it. It is "served".

I tried adding a Database=PNYTEST in the -DSrv stirng but it fails with an
error. also DB=PNYTEST it didn't like that either.

-db sorter -ld sortersh
-S 9495 -N tcp -H erp-app1
-db SorterTest -dt MSS -ld Accusort
-U sa2 -P xxxxxx
# Outtakes: UIDDBMS=sa2,PWDDBMS=pny123,



Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must have
already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vantage/linksYahoo! Groups Links
Thanks Ned and Jose.

The connection is from 4gl running on an appserver. For now I am simply
connecting, scanning three SQL tables, and returning a record count,
last WaveNo and last Scan DateTime so that I can verify I am on the
correct database. The PNYTEST data is a few weeks old. The PNYLIVE is
updated to the minute with scans from the Sorter as cartons move through
the conveyors.

Ultimately I need to upload pallet and pack information
(shiphead/shipdtl) to this DB so that the sorter knows which lane to
build the pallet on. I read tables in it to determine when a pallet has
been completed (I then print a pallet header via Bartender), and when a
wave has completed so that I can release the next wave. Much of this
data is in e9 table UD02 which serves as my work area for shipping
details (SSCC "ASN" codes, pallet # of #, carton # of #, etc.)

So at some point the application will be simultanteously connected on
the appserver to mfgsys and SorterLive (SorterTest for now). My problem
is that I cannot force it to connect to SorterTest (which is DB PNYTEST
inside the same SQLServer instance).

I have built the schema holder, e:\epicor905\db\sorter\sortersh.db, it
is served and it connects without an issue. It has two internal
schemas, one for ACCUSORT pointing to SORTERLIVE DSN and one for
SORTERTEST pointing to SORTERTEST DSN. Ideally there would be only one
schema in the schemaholder but I'm trying various things as a
workaround. I guess I could create two schema holders but I really
don't thing the problem is there. The problem is that between the
SchemaHolder and the MSSQL it is not selecting the desired user DB (as
specified in the Driver) on a multiple DB SQLServer.

In the .pf's there are two -db entries - the first is for the
schemaholder (same for both live and test) and the second is for the
MSSQL database. The DSN is in the schemaholder connect info (it is a
required field) but it is also in the -Dsrv entry in the .pf . Which
one takes precedence I cannot say for sure. If you were to examine a
mfgsys.pf for e9 with MSSQL datbase carefully you will see that it is
very similar in structure (but with a lot of additional options).

I know -- it is very complicated. That's why I'm going to the experts!



--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Ned" <TechnoBabbly@...> wrote:
> What exactly is connecting to the database?
> I am not sure how this relates to vantage or is this just a general
> OpenEdge question?
> I assume you have some sort of schema holder in progress that you want
> connect through to the MS SQL Database?
> I would try to connect directly to that schema holder instead of using
> network connections with the -H -S -N switches in there, run them in
> read-only if you can. I would also doublecheck the physical paths to
each of
> the schema holders, and part of the problem could potentially have
> to do with calling multiple -db in the same .pf file.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of
> reptcon
> Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 4:53 PM
> To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [Vantage] e9 - connecting to an auxilliary SQLServer ODBC -
> specifying default database
> We have a sortation system which uses a SQLServer (Express) database.
> The production database is PNY100 and we copied it within SQLServer to
> test database PNYTEST.
> Both of these databases are contained in one instance of SQLServer,
which is
> server Sorter2 on a machine of the same name.
> I have set up ODBC DSN to each of the two, SorterLive and SorterTest.
> They point to the correct database instance within Sorter2.
> No matter what I do, it always seems to connect to the first instance,
> PNY100.
> Even if I set both ODBC DSN's to point to PNYTEST, it is always the
> which is connected.
> Is there a way to select a database other than the first one in a
> instance?
> (I hope I am using the correct terminology, my background is Progress
> not MSS)
> Here is a sample of the .pf file ... I have two of them, sorterlive.pf
> sortertest.pf. the Schema Holder db is sorter.db LDBname of sortersh
and I
> haven't had any problems conencting to it. It is "served".
> I tried adding a Database=PNYTEST in the -DSrv stirng but it fails
with an
> error. also DB=PNYTEST it didn't like that either.
> #-------------
> -db sorter -ld sortersh
> #-1
> -S 9495 -N tcp -H erp-app1
> -db SorterTest -dt MSS -ld Accusort
> -U sa2 -P xxxxxx
> -Dsrv
> # Outtakes: UIDDBMS=sa2,PWDDBMS=pny123,
> #----------------
> Thanks!
> Chris
> ------------------------------------
> Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
> already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
> (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vantage/files/.
> (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vantage/messages
> (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vantage/linksYahoo! Groups Links