E9: Specific Sales Order will not load - times out

Hi All,

Every once and a while, I come across a sales order that will not load in order entry or order tracker.
It just stays on “Retrieving Data…”

On the server, there is nothing running and there appears to be no error in the logs. It actually looks like the GetByID call completes successfully.

Eventually, the license will time out, meaning I can see in the admin console that the license is listed as “available”, which I assume is due to inactivity.
I will then get an error message similar to when the client loses connection to the server.

I tried to test this in the BL Tester just to rule out any UI issue but it still happens.

The order number right before and right after loads without issue.

In the past, I would restart the appservers and database after hours and then this order would load but eventually this would happen again to the same order.
Last time I just closed the order after I could get it to load and had the user create a new order but now I have another order doing this.

Has anyone encountered this before?


Joe Rojas
Director of Information Technology
(781) 408-9278 Mobile
(781) 573-0291 Local
(781) 232-5191 Fax

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