We did not set up any additional UOM Classes for similar issues. Within the existing UOM Class of Length, you can set up UOM's like: BAR20, BAR21, BAR12, BAR24 and BAR40, each of which will be available for all parts, and are defined as the listed number of feet. You could then Inventory the parts in BAR20 (for example) but could purchase in FT. We go one step further, and purchase in LBS with Part Specific Conversions. Feel free to contact me for more details.
Richard Sirow, President
Independent Components Corp.
516-481-5100 x106 FAX=516-481-5550
Richard Sirow, President
Independent Components Corp.
516-481-5100 x106 FAX=516-481-5550
On Jan 4, 2010, at 3:55 PM, Andrew Best wrote:
> We are converting from 8.03 to Epicor 9. I am working on UOM and Class
> ID's. We are unique in that we try to stock all bars in EACH but
> purchase them in Feet. The problem is that we buy tubing in 20'
> lengths, pipe in 21 ft lengths, and bar stock in 12', 20', 24', and 40,
> lengths. Am I going to have to create a different class ID for each of
> these or is there a better way? Any suggestions?
> Regards,
> Andrew Best
> Kice Industries, Inc.
> P(316)744-7151
> F(316)295-2412
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]