ECM -Docstar & IDC Configuration

Guys need help in IDC and ECM docstar configuration.
I could not find any implementation guide as we have for Kinetic in Epicweb, which gives out stepwise configurations.
Also need to understand if in epicor we have mutliple companies , then how does docstar gets integrated with each company.
There are integrations between Docstar and IDC as well ,how these are setup and how do we check it

Ancora’s support site has plenty of documentation on IDC and EpicWeb has the docs for ECM. Login – ancora Software Inc

I found a step by step for IDC - Should be on EpicWeb - it’s called “EpicorIDC - On-Premises Installation Guide v9.2.PDF”. The ECM install is a couple of pages of fields - most of which we used the defaults. I think the install directory, database, and SMTP values were the only things we changed. The IDC install doc shows you the order in which to install, but I don’t think there is much to alter/enter during each installation. Each upgrade/patch ends up begin the same installation, so I’ve done this a number of times and it’s all pretty simple. But you should create your own docs for your install!! I have a few cheat sheets for each installation so I know what I need to do because there are values which need to be entered each time you upgrade/patch - and you have to use the same values as the previous install - so these need to be documented.

As for multi-company - neither ECM or IDC is inherently multi-company. In our case, we created security groups, workflows, and input folders that were all company specific in order to get the ‘company’ value to flow through IDC and into ECM workflows so the DataLink could know which company to retrieve from or send information to. This means that some things like the email input client or folder input clients must have duplicate ‘setups’ for each company, but that’s easy enough to maintain.

I have a document or two that I can email you if you cannot find what you need at Ancora and EpicWeb.

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Thanks Mike

We were able to install IDC and ECM using the content on Epicweb and document suggested by you.
We have flow wherein AP invoices will be be arriving in email and from there through workflow it should get auto indexed(IDC) , for any exceptions IDC will take user input. Right now we think Header and Footer technique should do it.
Could you provide any configurations suggestions , and workflow to be used,etc

We do the same header/footer input for AP as well.

We also have a receiving workflow where materials received at the warehouse have their transaction processed AND their paperwork scanned into ECM. That workflow then

  1. attaches the paperwork to the receiver transaction inside Kinetic
  2. marks it as a related document in ECM to the Vendor and PO

so when an AP Invoice comes along, the AP Person has immediate access to the Packing Slip/etc. in ECM as a related document.

@Mohit The base IDC form definition is generic for any ERP package and I have found that making it more Epicor focused will improve your processing. There is a discussion here about multi company and adding it to the view that is used in IDC. I also dumped the capture an address process they have in favor of a lookup of the ship to from Epicor to get an exact match.


^-- Lots of good info in that post! :wink:

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This actually helped a lot. Thanks Greg and Mike for your inputs.
In our case we have invoices coming from Email . I am planning to use Email input for IDC, indexing in IDC , and then output the pdf file and xml file to a folder which will be picked by docstar.
In IDC Email input we dont see any specific folder which can be mapped as in Docstar.
Also if we take that email id, how will IDC create a batch for processing.

Our IDC is generating output in XML file format, ECM docstar is picking that file in Workflow but Auto indexing is not happening , we are using IDC PO Invoice Workflow.

Any ideas why data from XML file not getting captured in fields of ECM docstar automatically

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in the ECM Client that reads those files, you’ll need create the Field Mapping o the Batch Import Tab. If that exists and it still not working, then something in there is wrong.

We fixed this, turns out the table name in IDC and Fieldgroup name in Docstar needs to be same for capturing Line information.

Glad you figured it out!