Well, maybe not so straightforward. The parts in question are checked in, and appear in the ECOmtl table, but not in the PartMtl table. Naturally, that's the one my 'pretty' BoM comes from [the Crystal Reports version driven by Brian Spolarich's stored procedure].
Just to make it more fun, that stored procedure has revealed something-as-yet-undefined-but-funky going on, or maybe related. The Crystal report runs fine on some of my parts, but crashes with a recursion limit error on [so far] one other item we make. We just populated the 5 circuit card assembly BoMs for that item, so the total BoM is quite lengthy. I've set Max recursion in the stored procedure to 2000, up from the default limit of 100, but it seems not enough.
On the upside, I have learned some things about TSQL syntax!
Is anyone else having fun yet on Friday morning?
Lynn Thomas
Just to make it more fun, that stored procedure has revealed something-as-yet-undefined-but-funky going on, or maybe related. The Crystal report runs fine on some of my parts, but crashes with a recursion limit error on [so far] one other item we make. We just populated the 5 circuit card assembly BoMs for that item, so the total BoM is quite lengthy. I've set Max recursion in the stored procedure to 2000, up from the default limit of 100, but it seems not enough.
On the upside, I have learned some things about TSQL syntax!
Is anyone else having fun yet on Friday morning?
Lynn Thomas
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "Thomas, Lynn A." <thomasl@...> wrote:
> Stephen and Rob,
> Check in certainly makes sense, but I'd forgotten [or never paid attention to...] the field mapping. I'm not used to these customizations being so straightforward.
> Thanks to you both! Off to implement!
> Lynn Thomas
> Senior Engineer
> 317-357-4041 X255
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]