Edge agent resource usage - causing system slowness

I’ve had a couple users report to me their machines have been running slow since the newest edge agent was installed but I brushed it off. Embarrassingly, I’m now personally experiencing it.


Sys admin for a mfr w/ ~150 users

My machine

Precision 5570 Laptop | i7-12700H | 32 GB | Win 11

I’ve been dealing with this slowness for a while but had just been rebooting and it seems to improve. Symptoms include File Explorer and the Start menu having long load times and extreme sluggishness, the whole machine felt limited though I still had decent resource headroom, . Today I went through every process and service running to make sure I didn’t have a SQL server running or something, but nothing.

I don’t have the Epicor client open and as I’m watching processes, I see a minimum of 6 instances of Epicor.exe launch w/ a config file that referenced the edge agent. I didn’t think to get a screenshot unfortunately, but as I killed them more seemed to pop up. I then close Edge Agent and Epicor Print Tray for the hell of it, go back and kill the remaining Epicor.exe processes, and like magic my machine is performing as it should. :man_facepalming:

Has anyone else seen this before? Its the latest edge agent which allows you to open the classic UI from the web client, during setup you point it towards the desktop client install directory.

Many thanks in advance!

Are you launching classic forms from the browser using edge agent?

As Joshua mentions the edge agent shouldn’t’ be interacting with the desktop client unless it is being asked to launch forms from the browser. That said if it is leaving resources open for too long that is a concern.

@Jwowk.hpne I am sensitive to this area of the edge agent as it is new and fairly complex to get working. If you open a support case around a concern here with the Tools support group you might consider dropping my name and that I’m open to a shared web meeting via support so myself and and edge agent dev can take a look at what your seeing.


Hi @pferrington and thank you, that’s what I’ll do then. Before I create a case for it I’ll confirm I can recreate it and I’ll gather some additional details, screenshots, etc.

I’ll reply here as well

That’s the direction my thoughts were going. Especially if it’s launching the client and then that is being closed and then it’s launching again and wash rinse repeat.

I tried to stress it out by launching a bunch of classic forms from the browser. It would occasionally hang but it eventually consolidated all of them to one single Kinetic.exe and when I closed the final form that exe also closed.

Been too busy to really try and reproduce this, and so far it hasn’t occurred on its own. Maybe it was just a fluke, but I’ll keep you all posted.

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I’ve definitely seen this too - I’ll raise a case next time I see if with screenshots.