Edge Agent Running from Server

Hi, Guys first post here. We are an on-prem solution. I have been testing some stuff with the Edge Agent. I am able to get it to run both if I am pointing it to the application on the C:\Epicor\ERPClient\Client\Kinetic.exe or \\EpicorTAServer\Epicor\ERPClient\Client\Kinetic.exe. When the Epicor tech installed Epicor on our system. We have both a Task agent server and a regular application server. So I was thinking of rather than installing the smart client on each of the local PCs that need to utilize the features of the Edge Agent, I could create a script to push out the Edge Agent and have it pointing to our Task Agent server. I am more so looking for if this would be the correct course of action or if the better solution is to indeed install the smart client on each PC and run it that way. Any thoughts or suggestions welcome!

That’s an interesting way to get around installing the Smart Client… how is performance though? I personally find using the Smart Client to open classic screen through the browser / Edge Agent quite annoying because of how slow it is, and that’s the Smart Client on my local computer.

You have one app server for the Task Agent and a second app server for your clients correct? If so…
If this does have decent performance then I would probably setup a dedicated VM to install the Smart Client on pointed at the app server for your clients depending on how heavy your task agent is. Or use the Smart Client on the app server your clients are connected to. Between EDI, postings, and MRP our task agent app pool gets hit pretty hard. If you task agent app pool doesn’t get hit very hard then it probably doesn’t matter.

We are in the early stages of testing, so I was hoping that someone else has tested it this way before. We wont be going live until Q1 of 2025. As of right now (testing it seems to have decent performance). However, we won’t really know how the performance is until we get to testing EDI and some of the other reporting tools or really until we go live. I could have it run from the second app server as well rather than the Task Agent server.

But yes you are correct my goal is to avoid having install the smart client on all machines. My guess is Edge Agent is meant to run with the smart client locally for reasons like you stated but my first instinct is to avoid unnecessary extra steps when possible. I am also worried during the testing phase it will work just fine, then once we go live it will cause a lot of issues, since all users are now using it rather than testing it.

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Do you have classic screens that you need to launch from the browser client?