Our operators want to know if they can input notes / comments on a running job that subsequent operators can see??
We found it useful to also add a combo box where the tech selects a descriptor for how the job is running. I find that most run-time job data collection can benefit from being categorized versus free text. Just my experience.
They show up in the time and expense entry screen, so they are not a running dialog on the operation.
You should be able to add a field onto the JobOper table or use CommentText if it is not used and then read/update it from End labor. We do that with a field on JobHead and it was a small customization.
Another option is to use a Memo.
Which is great for notes but @Robert_Hartshorn is correct. If you want to do analysis. Put it in a field.
Mark W.
To get a running Dialog you could use a BPM during the Labor.GetDetail you can set the notes to the last LaborDtl record for the Job/Asm/Opr.
This would in affect give you a running dialog.