Are there any certified Epicor 10.1 Smartphone/Tablet Apps? When I search Epicor in the app store I get a ton of different type of apps. I would rather use something that is certified by Epicor.
There are apps in the store that are made by Epicor. For Version 9. I don’t think they have released any new ones for E10 yet
They built an Epicor Mobile Framework that was in beta at Insights and I can only assume would be coming out soon.
DotNetIT built a very clean-looking mobile CRM app (DotCX, then Epicor acquired them this summer. We’re waiting to see what happens as Epicor takes it on and rebrands/re-releases it.
While the improvements to Epicor Mobile Access in 10.1 are a good start, Epicor has a LONG way to go in meeting the mobile needs of their customers.
Thank you all for your responses!