Epicor 10 SQL Database Schema available?

Does anyone have a Epicor 10 SQL database schema? We have one for version 9 and are looking for one for version 10. Any help is appreciated. Below is a screen shot from our version 9 schema we currently have as a reference to show what we are after but for version 10.


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They have what they call the data dictionary. It’s under system setup, system maintenance. You pick the table you want to see, and it lists the fields and the descriptions. You can print to PDF using a filter too to make a report. I haven’t been able to get all of them to populate on one report though (it’s probably too big). I don’t use it much because I think it’s easier to use the help/field help/technical to describe the field and tell you what table it’s in, and then I look at the tables in a BAQ, since that’s where I usually need them anyways. Does that help?

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This was address a couple of years back in the old yahoo group

For Reference

There are links there for the ERD that epicor made available. Though it is for 10.0

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We are aware of the one inside of epicor, we were looking for one that is similar to the E9 one that was on the old yahoo group that loads in a web browser.

Thanks Jose, that one you linked me to doesn’t seem to have the same features as the one we have for 9 and maybe it just isn’t available. That one would let you click on the tables themselves and even do cross linking on the fields. I know we got the 9 one from the ‘downloads’ folder on the old yahoo group.

That’s the only thing available for 10 as far as I know.
@aidacra may say otherwise.

Abe –

Last I saw ERWIN had a free download that did DM Diagram. This might get you an updated layout.


Calvin Dekker
(630) 672-7688 x1484

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I built a web based one using SchemaSpy for version 10.0.xxx. I’d share but not sure that I can upload a 17M file to the forum. Also, don’t know if it’s frowned upon by Epicor. SchemaSpy is relatively simple to use.


Could you share this scheme to download it?