We have recently started having an issue where Epicor 9 appears to NOT clock out an employee at the end of the day every so often even though the system seems to work correctly. Please look at the data below to see what I am talking about.
Payroll Date Clock In Date Clock In Time Clock Out Time
10/13/2016 10/13/2016 6.00 9.60
10/13/2016 10/13/2016 9.60 10.65
10/13/2016 10/13/2016 10.65 11.37
10/13/2016 10/13/2016 11.38 12.80
10/13/2016 10/13/2016 12.82 14.33
10/13/2016 10/13/2016 14.33 14.50
10/13/2016 10/14/2016 0.00 15.53
10/13/2016 10/14/2016 6.07 8.08
10/13/2016 10/14/2016 8.05 8.10
10/13/2016 10/14/2016 8.10 11.83
10/13/2016 10/14/2016 11.83 13.75
10/13/2016 10/14/2016 13.75 14.27
10/13/2016 10/14/2016 14.27 15.12
10/13/2016 10/14/2016 15.13 15.63
As you can see the Payroll Date field in LaborDtl stayed the same for TWO days worth of work but the Clock IN date field in LaborDtl is performing correctly. The clock in/out times look correct for each day EXCEPT for the data that reads 0.00 for clock in time and 15.53 for clock out time. This is a calculated IDLE time entry due to the problem we are experiencing I believe. It’s not happening often but it’s not something that has ever occurred and now it has occurred 3 times in the last few weeks. Does anyone know what may cause this type of behavior. We have multiple employees all clocking out at the same time on the same PC and their data looks fine so I don’t think it’s the computer they are using. It’s also never the same employee that this has occurred on. Seems random. I will say though that the “Job Dept” is the same on every bad entry that I’ve seen. Can anyone shed some light???
We are also having the same issues. I have posted a call to Epicor. We are on version 9.05.603. Because this is so random, I doubt if we will get a solution on version 9. We are in the process of moving to 10.1.
We have been on Epicor 9.05.702A since this past February (upgraded from V8.03) and never experienced any issue like this until just the last few weeks. The only thing that has changed is recently we have been adding new operations and new resource groups to some of our methods that our employees have been clocking into now but I don’t see how that could affect their labor detail but if it could, I’d sure like to know why….
Best regards
Mike Abell
IT Manager
Flexial Corporation
a company of BOA Group
1483 Gould Drive, Cookeville, TN 38506, USA
I would run through and double check your resource groups and the new operations make sure everything is setup correctly. The same Dept on each on record could be an indicator of an issue with a resource group that uses that Dept. Also are any of the jobs and operations that they are clocking in/out on extending into next year? I’ve run into trouble in other areas before where I didn’t have the next years calendar setup and this caused some funny things to happen. Might be worth looking into b/c I know the resource groups tie into the production calendar (check and make sure that’s setup as well).
I would verify that the person clocked out for the day. You have documented that they ended their activity. If you can do a BAQ of those transactions, display the “LaborHedSeq” field. If they are all the same LaborHedSeq, the employee did not successfully clock out.
Allen, I just looked at the LaborHedSeq field in the data and they are different even though the Payroll Date stayed the same so I’m guessing that means they successfully clocked out (see pic below). Anything else you think I could check…
The first is that the employee immediately clocked in again after clocking
out on October 13th. It makes sense with the idle time. (14.50 + 15.53
-24.00 = 6.03, approximate time (s)he started a new activity. The
additional idle time can be accounted for by small gaps between
activities.) This could be verified by examining the actual clock in time
on the header record for LaborHedSeq = 242,466. The field can be edited in
Time & Expense entry but it is good practice to not change it.
The second would be that someone accidentally changed the PayrollDate in
Time and Expense Entry. That field can be edited. You could temporarily
turn on logging for this field until the situation is resolved.