Uuuh, well I’m not sure I would call it “gutsy”… but sure. I’ll go with that.
lol…but I ran the ERP Analyzer a few weeks ago against our E9.05.702 Progress DB…it’s been a while (I’ve slept at least once since then) and if I recall correctly, off-hours, it took minutes to run on our 25GB DB.
Once it was finished, I could then click on a link to an Analysis Report that showed me:
Environment Information:
DB Size
DB Index Size
All Table - Sizes, Index Sizes and Row counts
License Information & the Modules that we had
Company Info and Basic Settings
Not sure of the exact Logic behind these checks but…
It gave a listing of some Non-Upgradable items (we only had 1 BPM show here)
A Pre-Upgrade Check - only thing that I saw here was a couple of Unposted AR/AP Invoice Groups
What Conversions were run in the last 12 Months
A Health Check (we have about 8 items in this list - I think they are either BPM or Customization issues but need to dig in further)
Lists out all of your Dashboards, Configurators, Customizations, BPMs, Reports, External Reports, Menus, UD Tables, Tables where a UD Field is used…and what looks like some interesting and useful information on each item individually within the groups.
And I see now that they have given us the ability to Export the results to Excel. When I ran it initially there was no easy way to export the results. So I do think this will be helpful information to have and it is nice that it pulls it altogether into one location. That’s all I know about it and really haven’t spent much time sorting out the results yet…(especially when I couldn’t export the results, I kind of just stopped there cause they told me that would be working by May and looks like it is!) I am sure they will continue to improve it in the near future cause it looks like it has already changed just in the past few weeks since I ran it and there are fields and sections showing that haven’t been populated with data yet. I hope that was somewhat helpful…
And I was told that you needed “admin login credentials from the domain administrator” to complete the installation of the tool itself from the website. That’s where you might run into problems, when downloading and installing the tool…