Epicor Data Discovery Examples

Lets see what cool things you’ve made with Data Discovery!

I have one that compares Prod. Standard Hours to Actual Labor Hours per job.



Very nice! I cannot wait to get to time to dig into this more.

It makes a pretty picture but SSRS still has more flexibility.

Users (that are trained) can sort and modify the data on the fly which is awesome. I haven’t trained anyone to do that yet.

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Does anyone have any tutorial/user guide on how to use this please

Your profile says you’re on version 10.1.400, but the earliest version where there’s an Education document in 10.2.100.

If you’re on any version between 10.2.100 and 2021.2 you should be able to find the Education Course document (using the Classic UI) with the rest of your course documents.

As yet there’s no separate document for it in the Kinetic UI, but in (at least) 2023.2 and 2024.1 the system help has several screens that describe and walk through its features.

Im on Kinetic now

If you click the Help icon on the left-hand navigation bar and type “Data Discovery” in the search, there are several links that describe some of the features and processes. It’s not as good as the Classic PDFs, but it’s all there is in Kinetic at the moment.

@karihagedorn, is there a time frame for EDD documentaton in Kinetic beyond the system help?

Hi Ernie,

I will have to check with our content team to confirm if we have a user or technical guide included in our future roadmap. In the mean time would you mind submitting this as an Epicor Idea to ensure we capture any key interests you would like to learn more about. This will also help us prioirtize this in our roadmap based on customer votes. Be sure to use the Education material category when submitting!


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Kinetic-based Education documentation for Epicor Data Discovery


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Thanks Ernie! I have updated this to gauging interest and will update the admin message with any updates. :slight_smile:

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The coursework looks to exsit already
Data Discover User Guide - Epicor ERP 10 - Epicor User Help Forum (epiusers.help)