Epicor database size increases significantly

Database size increases significantly. Normally 15G per month, but recently 60G per month. Anyone knows why and how to find out the reasons for it? Thank you!

Start by setting up or verifying a backup plan, defrag, reorganize.

In our case it was Epicor Social. Took a bit to figure that out. But it could be multiple cases. Can you run the “Disk Usage by Top Tables” report on the database in SSMS to see what tables are the largest?

most likely to be the log table, you can uncheck trace option under users, - as well as clearing the the log files them self, and as @Doug.C suggested if run the table use analysis most likely to find it as i said, in my environment i have narrowed it down to the manager log folder as i found it growing approximately 1GB per day, so i have written a PwerShell script to clear this folder and keep one week of data only in case if needed for any traceability issue.