Epicor Financial Planner (EFP)

I’m looking for users who have implemented Epicor Financial Planner (EFP) and are willing to share their experience.

Was the installation completed on time?
Were there any roadblocks during implementation?
Was the training adequate?
Is support quick to provide solutions to issues you may have?
Are you able to create Budget Reports or does a consultant do this for you?


Matt - Maybe ask your CAM for some references? We don’t use EFP at my company.

Hi, we have implemented this a few times in the UK , please contact us if you would like any help

We use it and had a consultant do the setup and initial reports. We haven’t really had an issue with creating our own reports/input sheets. They aren’t particularly hard to do, but there is definitely a learning curve to it. I can’t speak for the installation as it was done before I was involved with it.

Hi @mhelfrey - You can info@dspanel.com or check our website at www.dsp.se for any Epicor Financial Planner related questions.

@EFP_Rep - It’s better if the discussion happens on this (E10Help.com) forum so we all benefit.

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