This is what i have currently, for some reason, when I try to add in my UD table as a join, it breaks the linq query, doing ctrl+space doesn’t suggest any methods when it’s added. I’ve checked and I’ve referenced the UD table in the function as well.
var irows = (from id in Db.InvcDtl
join ih in Db.InvcHead on
new {id.Company, id.InvoiceNum} equals
new {ih.Company, ih.InvoiceNum}
/*join u in Db.UD10 on
new {id.Company, id.CustNum, id.PartNum} equals
new {u.Company, u.Key1, u.Key2}*/
join p in Db.Part on
new {id.Company, id.PartNum} equals
new {p.Company, p.PartNum}
join pv in Db.PartXRefVend on
new {id.Company, id.PartNum} equals
new {pv.Company, pv.PartNum}
join cs in Db.Customer on
new {id.Company, id.CustNum} equals
new {cs.Company, cs.CustNum}
id.Company == Session.CompanyID
new {id.InvoiceNum}).ToArray().Take(30);
Works for me. Did you add ICE.UD10 as a reference table? 9/10 times I run into this, it’s because I forgot the ref.
If UD10 has been added, did you try casting u.Key1 as an int (or id.CustNum as a string)? Can’t recall if that is an issue in LINQ, but I know I’ve run into type mismatches in SQL joins before. Though, if that were the case, intellisense should still return UD10 objects. It just might throw some other error.
For a linq query join to work the fields need to be named the same also CustNum is an integer and Key1 is a string that is not going to work even if you alias them your best bet is to just lookup the us table later individually
You could try Convert.ToInt32() but I don’t believe that will translate to Sql
I think that throws an error at runtime along the lines “LINQ-to-entity does not contain a definition for Convert.ToInt32().” It compiles and let’s you save, but won’t execute. Ran in to that a week ago.
I think this was it, however LINQ doesn’t like it when I tried converting the type. I assume I can probably query the UD table on it’s own, cast it and then somehow combine the two different tables together, any tips?
created a new integer UD field in UD10 - “Interger01”
set a data directive bpm to convert the string value in Key1 to an integer value in Integer01 (i know that I’ll only have numeric values within Key1 so it should be okay)
Then i tried joining UD10 using Integer01 onto my InvcDtl table using CustNum, but i’m still getting errors.
System.Drawing.Bitmap CS1941 The type of one of the expressions in the join clause is incorrect. Type inference failed in the call to 'Join'.
I renamed my UD field “iNumber01_c” and has int as it’s type.
var irows = (from id in Db.InvcDtl
join ih in Db.InvcHead on
new {id.Company, id.InvoiceNum} equals
new {ih.Company, ih.InvoiceNum}
join u in Db.UD10 on
new {id.CustNum} equals
new {u.iNumber01_c}
join p in Db.Part on
new {id.Company, id.PartNum} equals
new {p.Company, p.PartNum}
join pv in Db.PartXRefVend on
new {id.Company, id.PartNum} equals
new {pv.Company, pv.PartNum}
join cs in Db.Customer on
new {id.Company, id.CustNum} equals
new {cs.Company, cs.CustNum}
id.Company == Session.CompanyID
new {id.InvoiceNum}).ToArray().Take(30);
join u in Db.UD10 on
new {id.CustNum} equals
new {u["iNumber01_c"]}
System.Drawing.Bitmap CS0746 Invalid anonymous type member declarator. Anonymous type members must be declared with a member assignment, simple name or member access.
Ah I see. I have trouble accessing UD fields sometimes with row.UDField in BPMs and that fixes it. If the type is int I can’t imagine why it would be giving you a type mismatch error. CustNum is always int.
Since its throwing that error at you, maybe you can store the UD10.iNumber01 in a different variable (list or int) with it’s own LINQ query, then use that in the where clause of the main query?
As mentioned, the keys need to have the same name, and also, you cannot use Convert.ToInt32 in an EF6 query. However you CAN convert an int to a string, using the EF6 canonical functions:
using System.Data.Entity.SqlServer;
var irows = (from id in Db.InvcDtl
join ih in Db.InvcHead on
new {id.Company, id.InvoiceNum} equals
new {ih.Company, ih.InvoiceNum}
join u in Db.UD10 on
new {id.Company, Key1 = SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)id.CustNum), Key2 = id.PartNum} equals
new {u.Company, u.Key1, u.Key2}
join p in Db.Part on
new {id.Company, id.PartNum} equals
new {p.Company, p.PartNum}
join pv in Db.PartXRefVend on
new {id.Company, id.PartNum} equals
new {pv.Company, pv.PartNum}
join cs in Db.Customer on
new {id.Company, id.CustNum} equals
new {cs.Company, cs.CustNum}
id.Company == Session.CompanyID
new {id.InvoiceNum}).ToArray().Take(30);
This is for EF6 (Epicor 10.2)… In Kinetic (EF Core), you can just use Convert.ToString() (or Convert.ToInt32()). Technically in EF6.1 you can use .ToString() directly, but not sure if there is any Epicor version that uses 6.1…