I thought this might happen. Push back from users I guess.
As clunky as the the old C# client is, the new web interface is far worse.
More of the IT industry obsession with web browser based interfaces driven by sales departments in my opinion.
I have yet to see any web UI that is better than a local program.
Trouble is Epicor have also been pushing users to change by stealth means - Adding new functionality to the ‘web’ forms and not the ‘classic’. Will this position remain with the revised timetable?
This whole interface change fiasco must an appalling waste of internal resources - an exersize in the preverbal “re-inventing the wheel” though this time with flat sides.
It takes a little getting used to, but the BAQ designer isn’t terrible. The issues I have is all of the padding and margin space in all of the forms. It really makes for a good mobile experience, but it’s horrible on the desktops.
Actually, my one customer who started to use Kinetic on mobile says it’s terrible… Too much real estate lost to margins, especially on phones, where screen space is limited, the touch scrolling is all wonky, and scroll bars are too tiny to be useful, editable textareas show up readonly on iOS, grids are barely usable, etc… Personally I haven’t used it on mobile yet…
When I said “mobile” I was talking more iPads/tablets. I haven’t looked at the phone yet…I can’t imagine using a phone in production except for some specific tasks.
In their case employees use it to submit their labor entries via an updatable dashboard we made for them. It all works, but there are serious usability and ergonomy issues…